Lagarde ensures that the Argentine economy starts to rebound


April 11, 2019
– 14:04

The President of the International Monetary Fund spoke about the reform program of our country and also sent a message to the presidential candidates.

In addition, in the face of the upcoming elections, Lagarde pointed out that it "would be foolish" that a possible new government rejects it. "Now that so much work has been done, in a program where social protection has always been one of our top three priorities, it would be foolish for any candidate to turn their backs on the work in progress", said the director of the IMF.


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The international leader said that "we started to see that the program really works and our badessment is that the economy is at a point where it will rebound. "

Currently the Minister of Finance Nicolás Dujovne and the president of the central bank Guido Sandleris They are in Washington after attending the IMF Spring Assembly and meeting with investors.


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