Lagarde met Dujovne in Japan and appreciated the progress of the Argentine economic program


June 8, 2019
– 10:06

The IMF director met Saturday with the Minister of Finance and the President of the Central Bank. He badured that the agreed plan "would lay the foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth"

Christine Lagarde appreciated the progress of the Argentine economic program agreed with the International Monetary Fund, at a meeting held Saturday in Japan (early morning of Argentina) with the Minister of Economy, Nicolas Dujovneand the president of the central bank, Guido Sandleris

The meeting is held before the start of the meeting of Finance Ministers and Governors of the G20 Central Bank in Fukuoka, Japan.

According to the international organization, The guard He badured that the implementation of the economic program will stabilize "even more the economy" and "that it will lay the foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth".

He also pointed out that the efforts generated grew among those who emphasized "the reduction of budget and current account deficits".


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At the end of the meeting, the IMF issued a statement with statements by Lagarde in which he said: "It was a pleasure to meet today with Minister Nicolas Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris, in Fukuoka, the evolution of the world economy and the prospects of Argentina ".

"The authorities' continued efforts in policy have brought about important progress, including the reduction of budget and current account deficits, and the Argentine authorities and the Fund's team continue to work on the fourth revision of the budget. 39, confirmation agreement, "he added.

And he reiterated "the Fund's commitment to support Argentina's efforts to meet its economic challenges".

"The firm implementation of Argentina's economic program will help further stabilize the economy and lay the foundation for sustainable and inclusive growth," he said.


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