Lagarde, presidential: "It would be unreasonable to turn one's back on the work done"


The Managing Director of the IMF, Chistine Lagarde, badessed Thursday the state of progress of the program agreed with the Government of Mauricio Macri and he said that he said that the Argentina is "coming out of the bottom" of the crisis. In addition, he felt that no matter who wins the elections, "it would be foolish to turn one's back on the work done."

Lagarde gave a press conference as part of the Assembly of MFIs and the world Bank, where the ministers of the Economy of the whole planet meet.

Consulted on the message that would give compatriots in an election year, in a difficult economic context, said: "In Argentina, we want to give them two good news because we started to see that the program really works. Our badessment is thatThe economy is at a point where it is beginning to improve. Secondly, now that so much effort has been made, in a program where social protection has always been one of the top three priorities, It would be foolish for any candidate to turn their backs on the work in progress"

"Now that so much effort has been expended, in a program where social protection was still one of the three priorities, it would be foolish for any candidate to refuse the work in progress."

Lagarde's statements come after the approval of the last disbursement of US $ 10,800 million, last Friday. On this occasion, the organization issued a statement in which it believed that "the policies of the authorities supporting the IMF-supported agreement are bearing fruit" and that the budget deficit and current account "are down".

In addition, he added that although the economic activity contracted in 2018"It looks like the recession has bottomed out and a gradual recovery is expected in the coming quarters."

The global economy slowed down

Lagarde also insisted Thursday on the slowdown in the global economy.

"A year ago we talked about synchronized growth," warned the manager. He added: "We are now talking about a weak synchronization, with 70% of global economies slowing down."

"We are in a delicate moment," said the head of the IMF. And he stressed the need for increased international cooperation to resist these "uncertain" moments of the economy.


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