Lanata expressed anger at customs and advised smuggling


Journalist Jorge Lanata expressed his anger at the state bureaucracy who bought a lighter at the customs he bought online. So, between humor and clbadic acidity, he came to ask people to "smuggle"

In the usual program that he spends with Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Miter, the driver of Journalism for All did not spare irony, humor and criticism to describe the adventures he experienced during the day. 39, purchase this item abroad.

"I'm going to tell you a story, it comes to my mind, by mistake, because I'm an idiot, to buy a lighter online.The procedure was normal until you 39, they say: "I need an importer." This already seemed strange to me, I send it to the dispatcher, friends with whom I sometimes bring pictures, they will they kill but hey, it's their job.Then I get a letter telling me that I had to do some paperwork at the Ministry of Industry, where I had to declare that the lighter was for my use I was in danger of breaking down the lighter plants, "he said.

Lanata revealed that she still could not "unlock" the procedure at the customs and that she still could not get the lighter. "Suppose the lighter weighs 100 pesos, the ballot says I have to pay 97 taxes, what do they charge me, the statistical rate, the import duties, the VAT, the income and one thing, namely the internal taxes that are not clear 40%, plus 500 mangoes that my friends charge me. "

"Smuggling I'm asking people to smuggle now and leave.I have a friend who smuggles things, an" informal "importer.I will ask my friend, who brings an elephant for the customs and nobody tells you anything.I will ask my friend who comes from New York each month to bring me 64 lighters, I will send them to the Secretary at Industry at home, I do not remember Oh yes, (Fernando) Grbado! Grbado, wait until 63 lighters arrive in the mail. "


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