Lanata's Monologue: Alberto Fernández's Fury Day and the Buenos Aires Stewards Dispute


Jorge Lanata started the seventh chapter of the 2019 season of Journalism for all (PPT) with a witty monologue on the political news of the week. He first remembered Alberto Fernández's visit to justice and his recent anger against journalists, to finish making a comic review of what will be the competition for Intendencias in Greater Buenos Aires.

"They started the campaign and they fed me," he added, "they come to your house now, every time I hear the bell, I think."I hope they are Jehovah's Witnesses"" The journalist began as soon as he began his program, and then badyzed the uncomfortable moment that the presidential candidate for the K formula adopted: "Wednesday was a difficult day for Alberto Fernández. First had to go to Comodoro Py to tell Bonadio that in reality he did not mean what he said on the memorandum with Iran. He said his opinion was political and not legal. It does not look like what he said about Nelson Castro. "

"The same day He was released with Mercedes Ninci, with Jonathan Viale and Héctor Emanuele, a chronicler of Telefé in Córdoba. They say this day Dylan grabbed the leash and remained alone to apply for political asylum at the Institut Pasteur and, in case, asked for a perimeter", suggested Lanata referring to the dog of the former chief of staff.

Continuing with what is the race of the main opposition force at PAHO, he commented: "The K campaign is experiencing moments of confusion." In the spots, Alberto is the guy who goes to meet the in-laws, bathed, educated, friendly and when with the reporters it seems like he's going back home and the neighbor's car is burning because he covered the garage. "

"To end with a day of my … Alberto went to Córdoba and met with Schiaretti, who decided that his candidates were leaving with a short ballot. It's amazing what causes an election, because now the have short is what more garpa. Schiaretti is short, but you do not know the joy this gives to Cambiemos, "he said, mocking the meeting with the governor.

The Governor of Cordoba, Juan Schiaretti, received Alberto Fernández. (Source: NA)
The Governor of Cordoba, Juan Schiaretti, received Alberto Fernández. (Source: NA)

In addition, the reporter showed the image of this meeting and describes: "Alberto went to take the picture and get help even if it was already known that Schiaretti would continue in his. There is not a glbad of water. Not a fernet gave him. It was not necessary to put the air in two degrees so that it goes quickly.

The visit of the candidate K to the governor of the province of Buenos Aires in San Pedro left more tissue to cut: "Kicillof declared that Vidal and Macri are the continuity of the project of Martinez de Hoz y Cavallo, but in the list of Cavallo of the year 2000 In 11th position there is an Alberto Ángel Fernández, Axel is like with the announcement of oranges, do not hit one. Buy oranges and sell mailboxes. "

The last days of last week were marked by the discussion on a hypothetical dirty campaign of the ruling party: "I interviewed Vidal and declared that if Kicillof took him to the province, he would rule La Cámpora, because Kicillof is Máximo and the project is Máximo 2023 Máximo came to answer and said that it was a dirty campaign, the funny thing is that themselves recognize that naming them is a disqualification"

Lanata also scored against Kicillof for one of his campaign announcements: "Last week we showed you oranges in San Pedro, where we saw that he had moved into a humble Renault Clio. It turns out that the car of the countryside austere has 70 thousand pesos of fines. Let's hope that Axel negotiates the fines better than the oranges, that he paid more than the cartel announced. "

"The panorama of the electoral competition with provincial stewards it's unbelievable. In Hurlingham, Lucas Delfino is in competition with Juanchi Zabaleta, Olazagasti's brother-in-law, De Vido's right-hand man, and he, Juanchi, was Boudou's right-hand man during his tenure in the Senate, "he said. -he declares.

But he also commented on what will happen in the other parties: "In José C. Paz, Ezequiel Pazos is competing with Mario Ishii, who ran the municipality from 1999 to 2011 and from 2015 to 2019, about 16 years old., ruled by Ferraresi ten years ago. The same time that Insaurralde was in Lomas de Zamora. Gabriel Mércuri is competing with him. "

"In Berazategui, Julian Amendolaggine is in competition with the Mussi dynasty. Between Juan Jose, the father who shows up again, and Patricio, the current son and mayor, have ruled the municipality for over 22 years. Rubén Barras will participate in Ezeiza against Alejandro Granados, the mayor nothing more than 24 years old", he said about the struggle in the municipalities of the southern zone.

"Alejandro Finocchiaro is in La Matanza, where Peronism has been reigning since 1983. Since 2015, the intendanta is Veronica Magario and she was previously Fernando Espinoza, who is again a candidate. it would be necessary to eliminate re-elections and that's the best example. Politics must become a public service and no one is indispensable, and if anyone does, it is the wrong system, "concluded Lanata.


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