Landslide in Miami: one of the first rescued was identified in the rubble | A 15 year old teenager


Miami health officials have released the identity of one of the first people rescued after collapse of the Surfside building. This is the teenager who was shown on television when he was found by firefighters and first responders who were working during the tragedy.

The young man is called Jonah Handler, he’s 15, is a baseball player at Monsignor Edward Pace High School in Miami Gardens and is still admitted to a local hospital. Her mother was in the apartment at the time of the collapse, he said.

The teenager was in the Champlain Tours condo and was found by Nicholas Balboa, a man walking his dog when the northeast wing of the complex collapsed in a few seconds.

Balboa told the local station that shortly after hearing calls for help from Handler, who moments later managed to be rescued by firefighters. “He was probably sleeping and all of a sudden the building gave way.”, he stressed.

This morning, County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava confirmed that night rescue teams recovered three bodies of victims of the collapse, bringing the death toll to four.

Until, 159 are still missing, including nine Argentines. In addition, 102 people from the damaged building were located.

In the family reunification center which operates a few blocks from the Champlain Tours start taking DNA samples from people whose loved ones have gone missing to facilitate identification when bodies are found in the rubble.


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