Language Congress: the full agenda of this Wednesday


The International Congress of the Spanish Language (Cile) begins this Wednesday in Córdoba, with the inaugural session at the Teatro del Libertador San Martín, scheduled at 10am.

Until Saturday, different activities will be carried out.

The full agenda for this Wednesday at the Teatro del Libertador San Martín.

  • 10h to 12h30. Inaugural inaugural sitting

Juan Schiaretti (Governor of the province of Córdoba).

Rebeca Grynspan Mayufis (Secretary General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat).

Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru).

Carme Riera (Spain).

Santiago Kovadloff (Argentina).

Luis García Montero (director of the Cervantes Institute).

Santiago Muñoz Machado (Director of the Royal Academy of Spain and President of the Association of Academies of

Spanish language).

Tribute to Víctor García de la Concha.

Gustavo Santos (Secretary of the Government of Tourism of the Argentine Republic).

Presentation of the medal of the international congress of the Spanish language.

H. The King of Spain Felipe VI.

Mauricio Macri (President of the Argentine Republic).

  • 16. Special plenary session

The language of artificial intelligence.

Presenter: Santiago Muñoz Machado, José María Álvarez-Pallete (Spain) and Chema Alonso (Spain).

  • 16.30. Special plenary session

Spanish, universal language.

President: Álvaro Rodríguez Gama (Librarian of the Colombian Academy of Language).

General presentation: Nélida Piñón (Brazil).

  • 17. Awarding of the "Words in Action" and "Poetry in Action" awards.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology.

  • 17:30. Special plenary session

Spanish and the digital society

Presenter: Claudia Piñeiro (Argentina).

Conversation between Jorge Fernández Díaz (Argentina) and Soledad Gallego-Díaz (Spain).

  • 19.45. "Concert in tribute to Manuel de Falla: Falla and its Ibero-American stele"


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