Large security deployment by the arrival of kings


The arrival of the Kings of Spain in the city of Córdoba, scheduled tonight at 22:00 to inaugurate tomorrow the 8th International Congress of the Spanish Language (Cile) will be surrounded by a security operation that will be the most important in the history of Cordoba.

During the stay and transfer of Kings Felipe VI and Leticia Ortíz will be affected by vehicular traffic in the streets near the places where will take place the main events of the event.

"In the security operation, we have been working for a month, and the provincial, national and municipal forces will be working with the Spanish Guard in a coordinated way," he said. The voice Commissioner Gonzalo Cumplido. In addition, a helicopter will follow the entire route of the Spanish representatives and snipers will be installed in the buildings surrounding the places visited.

The operation will begin today at around 10 pm with the arrival of the kings at Ambrosio Taravella airport. From there, they will go with their delegation to the Sheraton Hotel, where they will spend the night.

Tomorrow, they will attend the opening ceremony of the Congress of Languages ​​at the Teatro del Libertador San Martín, which will begin at 10 am. We will wait for President Mauricio Macri, who will arrive this morning, and Governor Juan Schiaretti. Then, around 12:30, the kings will go to the Emilio Caraffa museum, where they will attend a sample of Cervantes and meet representatives of the Spanish community.

Car traffic will be prohibited within 200 meters during the event in San Martin and Caraffa. You will not be able to park on the Patio Olmos inner beach from this night until noon tomorrow.

Later, they will attend a lunch at the Córdoba Convention Center, after which they will return to the airport to return to Buenos Aires and continue their program in the country.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 26/03/2019 in our print edition.


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