LAST 48 HOURS | Exclusive: The hidden secrets …


WhatsApp's messages during the last 48 hours of Alberto Nisman's life testify to what happened to the prosecutor, already locked up in his apartment, with low curtains, without dressing and facing the debacle of the complaint presented by the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran. The list of recordings of these messages, viewed by PáginaI12, shows the prosecutor's obsession to delete and leave no trace. On Friday, January 16, 2015, he removed twenty discussions on WhatsApp and on Saturday the 17th, he devoted himself to the removal of 35 opportunities, including exchanges with Diego Lagomarsino, the computer scientist who was the second have borrowed a weapon (see separately). For those who argue that an Iranian-Venezuelan-Kirchnerist commando has "cleaned up" Nisman's mobile phone, the volume of erasure is a devastating test against him: the prosecutor, still alive, took care of Delete conversations 55 times. The list of incoming and outgoing messages is striking. It has been communicated on 146 occasions with journalists, most of the Clarín group, and 99 times with models, modeling agents and girls related to VIP prostitution, while devoting much less time to exchanging messages with their counterparts. collaborators: only 21 times with members. of the lawsuit, and on 29 occasions he came across WhatsApp with the leaders of the PRO. That Friday, he fought hard for a message with his ex-partner, Sandra Arroyo Salgado, who accused him of only worrying about power, the media and the payment of girls. This exchange did not erase it. You may wonder why he left it on his cell phone. Instead, he came across Whatsapp with his mother and these messages, certainly a typical mother-child dialogue, erased them.

The darkness

After lunching on Friday 16 with a reporter from La Nación, the prosecutor returned to his apartment on the thirteenth floor of the Le Parc building, lowered the curtains, donned his pajamas and did not go out anymore. He only received a very brief visit from his mother. On the evening of Sunday the 18th, his body appeared, a blow in the right temple thrown into the bathroom. Experts say the death occurred this Sunday morning. The apartment was locked inside, there was no trace of fighting or disorder, the body did not have any defensive injuries, no footprints, no drops of blood at all. outside of the bathroom. He had asked for a weapon that had been loaned to two people and found in his hands particles that were consistent with a firearm. These are all elements that support the evidence that Nisman was shot in the back

After being at the top of the opposition's popularity on Wednesday 14 for filing a complaint against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for the memorandum, the bad news began to arrive: the judges turned their backs on the prosecutor's text, the Kirchner government has exposed documents on the falsity of the prosecution, former Interpol leader, the American Ronald Noble, said the complaint was false. The fight with Arroyo Salgado climbed until the explosion, the girls virtually cut off all communication. His support for years, former SIDE operations chief Jaime Stiuso, did not answer calls and, to top it off, he had to go to Congress on Monday 19 to face the block. Front for Victoria in front of the television cameras.

It was the environment of their WhatsApp on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th.


The striking data is the infinite sequence of deletions. Nothing less than 55 times in two days. For four years, those who supported and supported the homicide hypothesis alleged that one of the essential proofs was that the evidence had been erased from the cell phone. Nisman's WhatsApp list shows that he has erased himself and has done so permanently. And it is not that he wants to hide conversations with members of the intelligence services or ultra-secret dialogues with the political clbad: he has almost erased everything.

For example, on Friday, he erased 15 times before noon, mainly exchanges with journalists from Clarín, Infobae and some radios; with two members of the prosecutor's office, with his press counsel and with a lawyer. In the afternoon, he continued to erase.

The next day, Saturday, the last day he stayed active, he wiped out even more than the day before. An effacement attracts attention: that of his dialogues with a scribe, Bruno Santin (see separately). The exchanges with the journalists, in particular Nicolás Wiñazki and Natacha Niebieskikwiat from Clarín and Laureano Pérez Izquierdo from Infobae, broke out again on Saturday and again erased the dialogues by sending a message to Patricia Bullrich and Waldo Wolff. crosses with Lagomarsino.

What emerges from the 55 removal process in less than 48 hours is that Nisman was busy doing it. The same pattern is perceived continuously. This evidence contrasts with what had been baderted from the beginning, namely that the alleged killers had taken the cell phone and erased records. Only the fingerprints of Nisman were found on the device and it is now clear that it is also he who proceeded to the erasures. Another proof of the non-existence of the Irano-Venezuelan-Kirchner command that no one has seen entering or leaving the building and about which they could find no indication in four years.

The interests

The WhatsApp list tells relatives of victims of the AMIA attack that long before Nisman 's death, they asked to be removed from the prosecution. They argued that he had done little research. This is reflected in the list of exchanges on Friday and Saturday that draw attention to the number of messages dedicated to models and journalists, compared to a few contacts with their collaborators. All the more so as the complaint had failed due to lack of evidence and that he had to also report to Congress two days later.

On Friday, the top of the posts ranking was dedicated to the models, with eighty applications running, six girls and two representatives. The second place of contact was occupied by journalists Friday with 73 hatsapp. And very, very far, the exchanges with the collaborators of Nisman in the accusation were in the third place: 21 whatsapp. Eleven messages were recorded with PRO leaders and an exchange was also held with some lawyers and even a leader of the international Jewish community. There was no connection with the DAIA or the AMIA, which is consistent with the little support that the Jewish entities gave to the prosecutor's complaint.

This Friday was the last day that Nisman had left his apartment. After having lunch in Puerto Madero with a reporter from La Nación, the prosecutor returned to Le Parc, lowered the curtains of the apartment and retired. The argument is that he was working on the presentation to Congress but the reality is that he witnessed a very harsh counter-offensive from the government and a cataract of bad news. This included a categorical denial of his denunciation by Ronald Noble, the former Secretary General of Interpol, quoted by Nisman in his text, claiming that it was he who was preventing the arrest warrants of give red alerts of Iranian suspects. The late Chancellor Timerman issued an e-mail from Noble saying that the Argentine government was making no effort to improve the situation of the Iranians. It was a devastating irruption.


In the afternoon of this Friday, there was, by WhatsApp, the terrible fight with his ex-partner, Sandra Arroyo Salgado. Thirteen exchanges took place with the judge who was in Spain with the girls of both. The texts, derived from the computer generated in September, were published in the book Who Killed Nisman by Pablo Duggan. Here is an exerpt:

Arroyo Salgado wrote, "Our priorities are different, and it's clear that what's important to you is the struggle for power and newspaper coverage, and I congratulate you for doing what you want."

Among other things, Nisman replied, "I finished shit and you are still on". A demonstration that his mood was in furious decline. He did not say "I'm in the middle of a battle", but "I screwed up shit".

But Arroyo Salgado finished with thick ammunition. "Do not worry, neither me nor my daughters are so sad to do anything, I teach you to be happy with little or much, so that they are good women and at age 20 do not have to give in to a 50-year-old father for a trip, a car, clothes, a mobile phone, a wallet, and to annoy, attack, expose or unravel, forget about my daughters.

This is a text that cuts all communications, has a threatening touch and refers to payment to the models. In fact, over the next 24 hours, Nisman sent four messages to one of his daughters and he received only one brief answer. A striking fact is that Nisman, who suppressed 55 conversations in 48 hours, did not erase this furious exchange with Arroyo Salgado. He left it on his cell phone. Instead, he erased a very brief dialogue with his mother, Sara Garfunkel.


The messages of Saturday 17, the day before the discovery of the body, followed the tone of the day before, but with a greater presence of journalists. As you know, Sunday newspapers are the most read and all have asked the prosecutor for the full report. Until then, only one kind of report was known to the press and the entire text was only handed to an official of the American Embbady in Buenos Aires, Rosario Miró. An additional proof of the political alliances of the prosecutor.

That Saturday, he exchanged 73 messages with reporters, much of it with two journalists from Clarín. In badociation with their press advisor, they gave a little information to each media and brought La Nación to transcribe one of their complaint the next day. The Centennial newspaper announced that Nisman's imputation was based on a La Cámpora spy, Allan Bogado, who allegedly participated in negotiations with the Iranians in New York and Zurich. Finally, it was proved that Bogado was not a spy, he was not from La Cámpora and, in all his life, he had left the country only one day. time, from his home province of Misiones in Paraguay. A few months earlier, the new head of SIDE, Oscar Parrilli, had denounced him as a member of the AFI, the federal intelligence agency.

Nisman's text was so rude, so hastily made, that he did not even check out any basic data like asking Migrations to leave the Bogado country. Nevertheless, thanks to the justice of Comodoro Py, the text of the prosecutor is still alive.

The second place in the ranking of messages that Saturday continued to be occupied by WhatsApp with models and representatives accused of promoting VIP prostitution. In total, 29 messages. With his collaborators, there were only four exchanges and with the leaders of PRO, Bullrich and Wolff, eight.

The messages with Lagomarsino occupy an important place in the ranking. In total, there are 25 whatsapp, in three sequences: in the morning, at dusk and shortly after 21 (see separately).

The last two acts of Nisman on his mobile phone are significant. At 9:18 pm, at 9:18 pm and 48 seconds, he responded to a message to model representative Leandro Santos. And at 21.18.55, he suppressed the exchange with Natacha Niebieskikwiat, of Clarín. This is a new demonstration of where he had his attention – models and journalists – and the fact that the cell phone has not been manipulated, but that he 's not sure about it. has constantly erased.

After these two operations, Nisman no longer responded to any requests. The next morning he opened his mobile phone, which he left charging overnight, but did not send any more messages and did not remove any objects. Yes, he went into his computer at seven in the morning, read the newspapers – with terrible news about his complaint – including an interview in that newspaper with Noble titled "Nisman's complaint is false". Then he looked at two pictures of one of the models with which he had exchanged messages and it is unclear whether he sent or received emails in his Yahoo box. The US authorities hide this information on their mail for four years, claiming that they did not provide information that could have "political relevance" but "only a criminal character". This badessment must be carried out by the Argentine judicial system and not by the northern country.

The last chapter was that Nisman read a note published by Claudio María Domínguez in Infobae. It is a text of an American doctor, Mellen-Thomas Benedict, who recounted how he had returned from death.

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