Last official count: Evo wins more than 10 points – News


The latest data on the official count of presidential elections held in Bolivia on Sunday gives the current president and candidate of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party, Evo Morales, with an advantage of more than 10 points over his opponent Carlos Mesa this would exclude a possible second round.

With 98.42% of votes counted, Morales obtains 2.83 million votes, or 46.83% against 2.22 million support obtained by Mesa, or 36.73% of the total.

These results released last night by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), a body much criticized by Mesa, imply a 10.13 percentage point advantage, which means in fact that there will be no vote in accordance with the legislation in force in Bolivia, local media reported. Press Agency Europa Press.

Given the controversy created by allegations of opposition fraud and delay in the transmission of election results, the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Bishops' Conference of Bolivia have asked the authorities to Organize a second round. as a way to overcome the electoral crisis.

"In accordance with the statements and statements of international organizations such as the OAS and the European Union and the opinion expressed by the President of the Bolivian Bishops' Conference, Bishop Ricardo Centellas, we believe that a second round, with impartial control, is the best democratic start at the moment we live, "said the secretary general of the Episcopal Conference, Aurelio Pesoa, in a statement released last night.


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