Latin American leaders paid tribute to Diego Marad …


The death of Diego Armando Mardona, who died of heart failure Wednesday at the age of 60, caused a shock worldwide. His figure was closely linked to politics and some of the main Latin American leaders such as Evo Morales, Rafael Correa and Nicolás Maduro they decided to remember it.

Evo Morales: “The Bolivian people will always remember him for having accompanied us in great struggles”

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, defined it as “the great sky of the Great Fatherland”, and he remembered him as a “human” and “caring” man. “Diego accompanied the just struggles and the great demands of the most humble families in Latin America and the world”, he stressed.

In addition, he assured that he was “a brother of the soul, a combat partner who accompanied the defense of football at height, even supporting the maritime claim of Bolivia. Something unforgettable!”

Regarding his country, he stressed that “the Bolivian people will always remember him for having accompanied them in these great struggles”.

“In these difficult times it hurts a lot that he’s not alive with us, but Diego is immortalIt is due to eternity and will always be a good image for future generations, ”he added.

And he concluded: “To all of you and to my condolences, a lot of strength and a lot of energy to face these difficult times that we are living.”

Nicolás Maduro: With a hundred maradonas, this world would be different because the humble would send

For his part, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas maduroHe stressed that “if we want to talk about Diego Armando Maradona, we must talk about a rebellious man, a man who radiated firmness and creativity”.

“For the friend I met, we have nothing but gratitude, love, affection. How much he gave us in a selfless way! How much courage! With 100 Maradonas, this world would be different because the humble, the true, the just would reign ”, he underlined.

Finally, he considered that “Maradona was this world, the world of the righteous!”.

Rafael Correa: the history of Maradona is linked to the pride of our continent

For the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, “On November 25, 2020, the best player in the world, this star named Diego Armando Maradona, is gone for eternity. The feeling of emptiness is immense. “

“Maradona’s story is linked to that of our America and to the pride of our continent. When he defeated arrogant England at the 86 World Cup in Mexico after the Falklands War with two goals, one with the help of the hand of God, another, the best goal in the history of the World Cup What joy Diego Armando has given us!

On the other hand, he underlined his leadership “not only on the football pitches, but also in his political and personal life”, and analyzed that “like any good leader, he aroused passions. Some hated him, many hated him. ‘loved, others idolized him but because no one can be indifferent “.

“Thanks for existing Diego Armando! Thanks for your goals! Thanks for your football! You will play it with other glories in the stars. A huge champion of hugs, ”he summarizes.

Bruno Rodríguez: The two extraordinary commanders met

“I remember very well the presence of Diego Maradona at the funeral of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz in Santiago de Cuba. I will always remember him full of emotion”, declared the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez.

In this sense, he felt that “the moment when Diego Maradona interviewed Fidel or when he gave him an Argentinian companion set will be remembered. Fidel will also be remembered, taking off his legendary olive green jacket, helping Maradona to l ‘to dress, to button and to repair it. his guerrilla zambrán “.

And he added: “This November 25, history reunited the extraordinary commander, protagonist of the great events of the 20th century, with the extraordinary, fabulous footballer and the gigantic human being.”


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