Laura Alonso: They attack Stornelli because they could not get shot like Nisman


March 13, 2019
– 09:03

The head of the Anti-Corruption Office (OA) mentioned the cause of the notebooks and said that the government "discovered garbage cans that lived in the basement".

The head of the Anti-Corruption Office (OA), Laura Alonso, has issued controversial statements about the cause of laptops, the main imputed to the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

"They attack (the prosecutor Carlos) Stornelli because they could not kill him as (the prosecutor Alberto) Nisman who denounced them for having concluded a fallacious agreement with Iran and Venezuela", in reference the complaint against the representative of the prosecutor accused of alleged corruption.

Alonso said that the current administration "discovers garbage pots that lived in the basements and not so low power for many years in Argentina. "In this context, he badured that the people investigated the causes of corruption, "They were officials of the highest level of the national state, to the executive, legislative and judicial branches, both at the national level and in the province of Buenos Aires ".


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In addition, the person in charge of the macrista mentioned the oral proceedings that will take place this year as part of the proceedings and compared the case to the boards of appeal. "This mafia when she got fired, now they resist jail, some are already jailed, others are about to be after oral trials and public where, in the eyes of all, they will be condemned as the leaders of military juntas have been convicted for human rights violations, "he said, adding: "Fortunately, they no longer have the power, they have sources that they manage in the basement of power and with which they try to denigrate the judicial investigations."


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