Laura Novoa supported the accusations of Valeria Bertuccelli and Erica Rivas against Ricardo Darín


The actress is out to support her colleagues through a message on her Instagram account Source: LA NACION

The actress

Laura Novoa
joined the critical voices against

Ricardo Darín
after the accusations of her two former female partners in the theatrical performance of
Scenes from married life ,

Valeria Bertuccelli

Érica Rivas

The latest statements made by Darin this week, stating that Bertucelli "told lies", have rekindled the chasm that has dug between those who support the actor and those who question his behavior in the wings.

Thanks to his Instagram account, Novoa supported his colleagues with a message that accompanies a montage with photos of the two actresses and a third image in which two free women hold hands.

"Because I will continue to fight for a better world, for good in all its possible forms, with the joy that sorority gives, I believe that you are in a historical moment and I see the love feminist as the only political alternative.I want to be part of it, "says the actress, who embraces the feminist movement and the campaign for the decriminalization of abortion.

The message received more than 1,500 likes and comments from followers were immediate. To favor against the words expressed by Novoa.

The controversy began a month ago,
when Valeria Bertuccelli said in a television interview with journalist Luis Novaresio that "she had a very bad time" sharing tables with Darín in
Scenes from married life . This discomfort, said the actress, would have led her to abandon the job.

Rivas, who replaced Bertuccelli on paper, said a few days later that he had suffered similar situations with Darín and, in an interview on the radio program
Futurock's Baby Fury went Further
to make sure that the actor had "abused him professionally and personally."

After that, many actors began to position themselves in favor and against Darín. Dolores Fonzi, Griselda Siciliani, Andrea Pietra and Federico D 'Elia, among others, have accompanied it with messages of encouragement. On the opposite side, actresses love
Paola Krum or Maria Valenzuela, approved the denunciation by Bertuccelli.

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