Lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano devastated 166 hectares and destroyed 350 properties in La Palma – infobae


  1. Lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano devastated 166 hectares and destroyed 350 properties in La Palmainfobae
  2. Lava slows down at La Palma volcano and threatens to cause further destructionTHE NATION
  3. La Palma volcano has entered a “more explosive” eruptive phase, experts
  4. Dramatic evacuation in La Palma as lava and volcanic gases track down residents: “We have 15 minutes”infobae
  5. The story of an Argentinian woman in the Canary Islands: “What is happening with the volcano is impossible to describe in words”Bugle
  6. See full coverage on Google News
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