Lava Jato: Sergio Moro asks for a license in the middle of denunciations


Ministers of Jair Bolsonaro, Sergio Moro

The Minister of Justice of Brazil, Sergio Moro, has asked for a leave without pay
amid growing complaints about the connection he had as a federal judge with the chief prosecutor of the Lava Jato case in lawsuits against many businessmen and politicians, including the former president

Luiz Inácio da Silva,

as reported today by the government of Jair Bolsonaro.

The union's official newspaper announced that the holder of justice and public security would be granted an authorization between July 15 and 19 to deal with "particular issues", without giving more details, according to the news agency. ANSA.

Moro was yesterday at the Maracana stadium in

Rio de Janeiro

next to the president
Bolsonaro watches the triumph of the Brazilian team in the final of the Copa America.

Although the official announcement only mentions "special problems" as the reason for the license, Minister Moro is currently facing strong public and media pressure for his private conversations with the chief prosecutor of the mega-corruption Lava Jato Deltan Dallagnol, in the middle of legal proceedings, something forbidden by the Brazilian legislation.

Telam Agency.



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