Lavagna accepted Lacunza's invitation and they meet this afternoon


The presidential candidate for the Federal Consensus won 8% of the vote at the STEP Credit: Federal Consensus Press

The presidential candidate of the federal consensus,
Roberto Lavagna, today received the call of the new Minister of Finance,
Hernán Lacunzaand accepted an invitation for dialogue and consensus to devise policies to stabilize the exchange rate and exit the foreign exchange crisis outside the election campaign ahead of the October 27 elections.

The meeting between the referents of the federal and Lacunza consensus will take place today at 5 pm. His son Marco and Leonardo Madcur will represent Lavagna.

The former Minister of the Economy Eduardo Duhalde and Nestor Kirchner confirmed the call and the acceptance of the invitation via his Twitter account: "In accordance with our vocation for the dialogue and consensus, at #consensof Federal we accepted the invitation.Minister of Finance and Energy, "reported the candidate.

According to our vocation of dialogue and consensus, in
#federal consents We accepted the invitation of the Minister of Finance and Energy. Therefore, our technicians are available to provide opinions and proposals for stabilization purpose. & – Roberto Lavagna (@RLavagna)
August 20, 2019

"Our technicians are therefore available to provide advice and proposals for the stabilization objective," he said in his personal account. Sources close to Lavagna confirmed that the Minister of Finance had contacted the candidate for the federal consensus.

In recent days, Lavagna had proposed various suggestions to complement the pro-economic economic measures announced by President Mauricio Macri after his defeat at the PASO Sunday, August 11. The federal consensus candidate proposed to suspend the election campaign, stabilize the exchange rate, conclude a price agreement, an anti-inflationary program and convene an economic and social council.

He also suggested an emergency program in food and health, the renegotiation of the agreement "stand by" with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an incentive plan. to investment and mechanisms to reduce interest rates.



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