Lavagna denied an offer of accusations of Frente de Todos


The candidate for the presidency of the Federal Consensus, Roberto Lavagna, denied yesterday that the Front of All (FdT) offered him the post of Chancellor or another post, in the cabinet of his opponent Alberto Fernández, if the latter would win in the elections of 27 October next.

"No, neither that nor anything else … If Fernandez's triumph happens, he has many people who can grow if necessary," he said.

In parallel, Lavagna felt that "up to now, Argentina has traveled between the hype and the financial homeland" and placed in the first sector the vice presidential candidate Cristina Kirchner and the chief Mauricio Macri state in the second.

"Until now, yes, of course," said Lavagna to the question whether Cristina accounted for this hype. But he differentiated this appreciation from Fernández when he said: "No, we do not know, I'm talking about the past."

In the meantime, he placed "Macri in the homeland of finance" and added that there was a "process in Argentina where debt is used every ten years".

"It seems like you do not want to understand that it's not good," he said, before interpreting "there are interests" that come into play for "making profits very quickly".

He then decided on the model of Portugal, highlighted after Fernandez's recent visit to that country.

Lavagna said that "there are two models of Portugal, one of the payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and another of recovery of the economy." And he felt that the second stage "looks much more like the one that could have been the exit of the Argentine crisis in 2002".

The opinions

The economist also said that "months ago" he argued that the Macri government "should extend the terms of payment of the debt".

In this sense, he distinguished between the negotiation with the IMF, which "should not go through the National Congress", and that which exists with the private sector. "This restructuring, which they call reperfilation, must go through Parliament," said the former minister.

However, Lavagna said that "it seems things are now calmer", after which he said: "The government refused to take tools for an ideological issue, but it seems we were in a quieter situation, see how they will travel in the coming months. "

The candidate for the federal consensus.


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