Lavagna explained his formula for reducing inflation and getting out of the crisis


The presidential candidate, Roberto Lavagna, criticized President Mauricio Macri last night because he "repeats that this is the only way", but that "this path can not be one that leads to stagnation permanent of the great economy as that of Argentina ". On the other hand, in a clear message against the polarization of the electoral scene, he warned that "someone with 30 or 35% of the vote thinks he has all the power and forever" .

Argentina has an average crisis every ten years, but the government has said that the only thing to do is to do that, "said Lavagna, referring to the economic direction of Cambiemos.

In this sense, he added that "the previous government put everything on consumption and the current on the" rain of investments ", but it rained out."

"There is a stagnant economy, the challenge is to say it, with very large unused resources"

"The government does not recognize the recommendations because it does not believe in them, and the president reiterates that this is the only way." It can not be the road to a big economy like Argentina to permanent stagnation. "

In an interview with LN +, Lavagna said that if he becomes Macri's successor, one of his first steps would be to "wipe out the word adaptation and install the term mobilize resources, combat inflation and give back to the scientific community and they were kidnapped. "

Regarding the formula for reducing inflation, he recalled that in 2015, the government had arrived in a country already in crisis, with a deficit and inflation. "What the next government will receive is worse than Macri had expected in 2015. Three of the four years of government are negative."

To integrate

"There is an economy that is stagnating or is losing momentum, the challenge is to make it rest on the fact that there are some very important unused resources and that the big challenge for Argentina as a society is to recreate a job, "he said. For him, the new government should therefore focus on work. In addition, he said that "it was raining investments, but from Argentina to the outside".

As he pointed out, he badumed "I would strip the word adaptation and install the term" mobilize resources "". To solve the problem of inflation, it is essential to define how the unused resources of the country's capital, manpower and natural resources will be mobilized.

"Not only are small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of extinction, but many large companies are going through major contraction processes, and no one can compete with the bobo manufacturer, which is in this case the central bank or the Treasury "he said after asking about high interest rates. "The government has shown that there is no limit, and that from time to time, it goes back up again and surely that if we suffered another exchange rate shock, it would rise again."

For the economist, the dollar has so much influence on Argentina, the country experiencing an average crisis every ten years and "in each of them, a part of the company s & dquo; Is impoverished ". "As a result, there is an apprenticeship and an ability to: how can I escape before the crisis arrives?", He said. According to him, it hurts society as a whole, although it is "understandable" by the individual.

When badyzing the government's decision to seize the International Monetary Fund, the presidential candidate said: "They put themselves in a position where the only thing they could do was in which I could not stand if I did not go to the Fund. "

When he was asked about the debt, the former minister said that it was "very disturbing". To solve this problem, he proposed to Macri to negotiate the extension of the expiry period and to put in place a process of buying bonds issued by 2024. "That would clear the horizon a lot, give confidence, reduce the country risk and could lower the interest rate The government has not taken note of my recommendation, "criticized and questioned the fact that Mauricio Macri maintains that this is the only way. "This is part of the mistake, the only way to create an economy the size of Argentina and not to achieve absolute stagnation."


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