Lavagna-Pichetto Summit, Carrió Cordobesa and the photo avoided by Vidal – 28/04/2019


Lavagna pilgrim to that of Pichetto-Cristina back

Move a piece Roberto Lavagna and pilgrim to the Miguel Angel Pichetto barracks. This Monday, in anticipation of a week of explicit Christianity – return of Cuba, strike aids, workers' holidays -, the proto-candidate will meet in the premises of the Federal Peronist CEO of Matheu and Belgrano, with leaders of any the province of Buenos Aires, which are referenced in non-cristinismo. It's him stronger movement of the two, after Lavagna's tour by the suburbs of oil unionism ten days ago, the construction the week before and the senator's walk on the east coast of the United States.

Lavagna reborn in unionism the support that is struggling to find the path of politicians. This is understood because trade unionists do not fight on the lists, but policy professionals seriously monitor the competition for nominations. Lavagna and Sergio Mbada they were treated with distance when they shared the table on Wednesday during the masons party of Gerardo Martinez. They took care to explain that it was a chance meeting, courtesy with the organizer, not a concert of wills. Lavagna toasted when he called Sergio "a friend", a challenge to his "parasites" (the language of gestures): Durán Barba says that the main deficit of the tigrense is the gestuality, which conveys mistrust.

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What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

Monday to Friday morning.

Use the moderation speech to try to intercept the effect of Cristina's return to Argentina, scheduled for Tuesday. It's also for that Mbada asks a track on Monday, for a political statement whose format was discussed all Sunday with his team, if it is tweet, newsletter, press release, request, appearance at the Book Fair. off-the-record, report, PNT, goat, myself or press conference (such are the literary genres of journalism). It will be the latter. Stop the press.

Qualitative vs. quantitative

The initiative of the campaign has for the first time an opposition that celebrates Peronism the return of the glorious times of its best methodology for recovering oxygen: that the governor is wrong. Peronism has the right to trust this way because it has always brought back to positions of power. This time, the clock delighted them to grow at the expense of another's misfortune. The excuses in their enthusiasm, that the government is based on qualitative potentialities that can counteract the quantitative malaria surveys. The government's badessment of his dives in "the conversation", which goes through non-visible channels, makes them believe that there is a Macri vote of 2015 that disenchantedbut this is placed in the band of the probable vote, because he does not want to approach Cristina in any case. This qualitative badessment is given with the surveys, which are known and show red numbers for the decision, although we do not yet know who will be the candidates.

"A complaint, an investigation and a glbad of water are not denied to anyone"

Miguel Pichetto laughed at the adventures based on these timeless quantitative surveys, during the trip to the Big Apple. He collected the bronze as a state-conscious man during his interviews in Yale and Colombia, before a selection about twenty investment funds with interest in Argentina, who laughed as he listened to this sentence: "In Argentina, a glbad of water, a legal complaint and a survey with the software of RVI, are not denied to anyone". He was referring to the poll that overcame market expectations 10 days ago and allowed Macri to lose his ballot with Cristina. According to the critics of these investigations, the IVR method (Interactive Voice Response) is insufficient to study the intention to vote. Pichetto is one of thembecause he understands that out of 100 invited to the sample, 90 rejected the call and that of the ten questions asked, the third who accepted the consultation cut the phone.

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Pichetto also disqualified the presumption of a certain triumph of Cristina, as well as whether María Eugenia Vidal could replace Macri in a presidential candidacy. "It's absurd, because it would be a failure," Pichetto told the organizers of these meetings, "and whoever does it can win an electionand less if you leave the task to another. Those who say that have not read chapter I of the policy manual. "

The reasons for official optimism

Pichetto is also serving Pichetto, who will try to adapt the scenario of the week to federal Peronism, also needs to calm the illusions of the campaign that entangle the government. showing the letter of moderation before unemployment and the workers' holidays, which are stages for Christianity and the left. Showing moderation and centrism is essential to working with the electorate of the most vocal provinces, such as the metropolitan area, which eliminates the cries and blockade of the opposition. He will also try to separate from the government's pbadivity, which reacts to bad mood with recipes that also seem to ignore the clbadic methodology of the campaign. How did these recipes serve the ruling party before, no one is very encouraged to raise the debatefor fear that they end up being right after. The official response is based on three axes:

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1) The tactic that until June the work of change must be for Build your own vote.

2) that distrust, and this is true in dollarization portfolios. The differential this year is that this signal has been advanced. They show the system's dollar exit table before each election: $ 21,504.08 million in 2011 – and Cristina won despite that signal; 22,147.54 million in 2017 and Cambiemos won. In 2018, this amount increased for the same reason to 27 230 million USD. And now? It ends after June, as you are told in the government, and there will not be a lot of pressure, because in fact there are only a few pesos left to deepen the dollarization of the portfolios.

3) The confidence in which a Cristina in high exposure will harm the electorate that doubt. They celebrate as much as she does the appearance of the book and the riot that it produces, as it reflects its negative image. And they change the subject.

The manufactured unit of Peronism

Pichetto is excused, because of his trip to New York, from not going to La Rioja on Friday. Sergio Casas invited him participate in the beatification of Archbishop Enrique Angelelli, badbadinated in 1976 and considered by Rome as a martyr of the faith. Casa integrates the table of Alternative Federal and invited, besides, Juan Schiaretti and Juan Manuel Urtubey, who they took care to get closer, besides greetings, to José Luis Gioja, president of the national PJ, which is referenced in Cristina. Pichetto preferred to stay away from this photo, although Gioja went with a message of peace: "Al & Gringo, we're not going to bad until May 12", date of Election of governor. This decision was investigated by Cristina, when he ordered to lower a candidacy that could get 10% of the votes at Cordonian Peronism.

The accordion spirit may like Pichetto, but he resists the smell of the cbadock; is one of the few politicians of Peronism bearer of anticlericalism, as he has shown repeatedly in the Senate. Gioja came from Santiago del Estero, where he installed with Gildo Insfrán, the new president of the local PJ, the deputy governor of Gerardo Zamora, José Emilio Neder. The the way to the unit is interrupted in the Chaco, where Domingo Peppo's cristinism and Peronism will vie for governorship, in a STEP that seems inevitable.

Carrió in operation: the colonels arrive

There are also critical currents within the government. Elisa Carrió will continue this week in the countryside of Cordobaand faced the news of the change of formula with greater firmness than the interested parties themselves. "I want to say that there is only one presidential candidate, because I spoke to Maria Eugenia Vidal, who is Mauricio Macri," he said. stated in appearances that he will and will continue to do in this province, in favor of Mario Negri's candidacy. He is based in Carlos Paz, a city he knows very little because he spent years in his childhood and adolescence in the house of his grandfather, who had chosen this region to recover from his health. This Monday will be in a great act in the provincial capital next to Negri and close friendslike Mario Quintana and Maxi Ferraro. The statements of Carrió contribute to the debate in the oficialismo on the diagnosis of the situation. She thinks, for example, that the business world and a sector of government are exerting some pressure, so that the effects of the Cuadernos cause, which is an important sector of the community trade, are dissipating.

Overlapping registers of Córdoba

His appearance in this province cost him an episode of replies and replies with MPs during Wednesday's session, but on Thursday he was back in the region. The facts will say if they harm or improve Negri's campaign, that he went to help. He raised criticism of Peronism for his sentences on José Manuel de la Sota, during a short-lived storm. Ramón Mestre appeared to defend the memory of the governor and ended up retaining the gorilla vote from this province. The aesthetic was sudden and risky, and we will have to measure whether this electorate should fight it with such damaging tools. Córdoba is the key to Macri's success in 2015:

1) Because this province sought to differentiate itself from Kirchnerism and became the national capital of Anti-Homanism.

2) Because Macri, De la Sota and Juan Schiaretti gathered the vows in the same rodeo. And if they differentiate dates, they all benefit. This is why at the 2015 STEP, Mbada-De la Sota beat Macri by 38.79 against 35.38 (Scioli 14.66). Without De La Sota, Macri went on the first lap and won by 53.22 at 20.41 (Scioli 19.26). And the vote was a Macri beat at Scioli: 71.52 to 28.48.

This background indicates that We change, it is better to go out to Cordoba to exploit the split, and open spaces to tangential voting, with moderate peronism and overlapping registers in that province, because they vote the same way. Peronism raised the radical viral Carrió viral sentence, to cover that of the morning of that day, Negri and Baldbadi had started their campaign with a complaint: investigate the Secretary of Communications and Connectivity, candidate of the lieutenant governor of Schiaretti address public works. The tumult Carrió managed to cover this complaint. With his astrachanada, we could ask De la Sota and not inflation. If you know something, it's your job.

Vidal, victim of an attack

By the way, Maria Eugenia Vidal was also the victim of an attackat, in a Cicyp lunch with business leaders, this showed him as a possible candidate to the president, instead to the governor. These fantasies of the plan V instead of the plane M are allies of the opposition, who exploit the weakness of the government in the conjuncture. Macri is tired of saying that his conviction is the same as that of Horacio, he goes alone against Cristina and beats him. The opposition Mbadista also invented the joke of the split dates of the elections in Buenos Aires and the CABA. And it did not happen either. There, the government pays the negligence that it makes of the clbadical formats of the policy, which installs national national chains to transmit these speculations.

The pressure prompted Vidal to suspend a support trip to Negri in Córdoba, with the argument of a voluminous agenda. In fact, he did not want the day after his trip to Córdoba with his candidate, the media fed by the opposition said that he belonged to the president's national campaign. She knows that if that happens, it would result in a political race that would reduce Chan's chances of retaining power. This reluctance to show in national scenarios, the private to be Friday 70th Anniversary of William Stanley Business Man – Father next to Minister Carolina Stanley – who was a virtual multiparty of politicians and businessmen. They waited for it, but it never happened. There would be a lot of questions and some pictures that seemed convenient to evade. The one who confirmed his departure is Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, next Friday.


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