Lavagna reloaded against Macri for a capital flight


The presidential candidate by federal consensus, Roberto LavagnaHe again criticized the government for the capital flight generated by the economic model. He also focused on the social crisis in the most disadvantaged sectors.

In a dialogue with the radio, the former Minister of the Economy said: "In the first three years of government, the government had $ 60 billion and so far this year, there were $ 10 billion that the fund lent. "" A large part of the capital outflow has been maintained thanks to IMF credit, "he added.


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In reference to the economic impact, Lavagna said that "the situation in the third part of Buenos Aires is extremely complex". In this sense, he added: "Today, hunger is the most important and, in the newspapers, what has to do with the markets appears".

In this sentence, the candidate explained: "You can not deny what is happening, it is only a matter of conducting electoral actions, it will be even more complicated."


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