Lavagna says that he will not be minister of Alberto F. and will now polarize himself with La Cámpora


While the second leg of the 27 October campaign is already underway, Roberto Lavagna Versions of an alleged offer of the Front candidate of all, Alberto Fernández, to join his prospective government have been confirmed today if the result of the primaries is confirmed at the polls.

"No, not at all, neither that nor anything else," said the former minister about the possibility of becoming Chancellor of Fernandez (had already appeared to be a possible Minister of Economy ), a rumor that circulated these last hours and that the Lavagnists attributed to a new attempt to file for the presidency.

Thus, Lavagna ratifies for the umpteenth time that he is still a candidate for the presidency and that he will run in October. What the economist did not say, but it has already begun to be verified from the statements of some candidates for space, is the change in electoral strategy that, as part of the campaign of the Federal Consensus finished to refine himself.

And according to a private study that Lavagna himself ordered to his teams and whose result was badyzed last night, the image of President Mauricio Macri continues to clearly discourage PAHO from playing this role. To the point that, according to this same investigation – they badure in the Lavagnism -, "60% of the citizens who voted for the President in the primaries would be willing to change votes" if another candidate guarantees that La Cámpora and Cristina will not come to power on December 10th.

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"The defeat of Macri can make Argentina now in the hands of La Cámpora, and that would be a historic setback," said Alejandro this morning. Mole Rodríguez, candidate for the national deputation of Buenos Aires, is one of the first to carry the singing voice of the new discursive strategy.

According to the survey that surprised the former minister himself, the new coup d'etat occurred at the OSP and its consequences on the pocket of the Argentineans, despite the measures of The urgency of the government to alleviate the crisis, They left Macri's figure "so damaged that the president is no longer competitive today." And Lavagnismo is convinced that he has an opportunity there.

"The discourse line of" neither Macri nor Cristina "has already fulfilled its purpose, Macri has already been there, so we will not talk about it and we will not focus either. on Alberto. Now, this is neither "Cristina nor The Cámpora", explained a Lavagnist leader to this newspaper.

The new strategy is also supported by the results of a study published last week by the consultant Alessio IROL – Berensztein, who has positioned Lavagna as a political leader with the highest positive image in the country, Despite It is well known that the image does not necessarily translate into an intention to vote.

Anyway, the data have breathed renewed spirits in Lavagnismo, where they affirm that "if we do things well from here to October, we can become a second force and for that reason, we will work hard to enter the ballot".

Although this goal seems quite utopian in itself, it is true that the fall of Macri could give Lavagna the opportunity to improve its performance with PASO in October and to have greater parliamentary representation in Congress.


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