Lázaro Báez and his son Martín will be invited to buy a field in Uruguay


Federal Judge Sebastián Casanello quoted businessman Lázaro Báez and his son Martín, suspected of money laundering for the sale of the Entrevero field, located in the baths of José Ignacio in Uruguay. In addition, he summoned the "repentant" Leonardo Fariña as accused. With six others, they must declare the first days of September

The magistrate seeks to know if the funds used for the operation came from the public works contracts awarded by the Kirchner to the owner of Austral Construcciones. According to the research hypothesis, some of this money he escaped to Uruguay and from there to the tax havens that justice still tries to follow.

When buying the stay El Entrevero, for which they were paid in 2011 $ 14 million, There have been several who have intervened through a power of different societies.

Evidence of this investigation comes from the cause motivated by movements of the SGI Financial, known as "La Rosadita", where washing maneuvers are the subject of a 60 million dollar investigation and confessions as a repentant of Fariña. The videos where Martín Báez and other defendants are counted count wads of dollars and euros in an office in Puerto Madero were released by Telenoche.

It is suspected that this is one of the many maneuvers performed by Báez for Hide your illicit heritage. The cause was supplemented by what he contributed via Uruguayan justice, such as fund movements, statements of the notary involved in the operation and constitution of the company.

On the other hand, the known cause of money laundering is at the trial stage; the businessman Lázaro Báez and his four children are defendants, as well as Fariña and the financier Federico Elaskar, among others.

After the legal fair, the trial also resumed on Monday in which Lázaro Báez aims to be favored by the Public Works Department of Santa Cruz. pursuit rejected the proposed suspension of the trial Oral statement to former President Cristina Kirchner and twelve other defendants.

At the resumption of the debate and before the Federal Oral Court 2, Prosecutor Diego Luciani stated that there is no legal reason for this trial to be suspended", beginning to answer the 51 preliminary questions posed by the defenses at the last hearing." There is an excessive interest for this cause to go to Santa Cruz, "said the prosecutor and also stressed the" interest "in which the judgment" not to perform. "


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