League of Legends: Riot Games delayed the start of Clash


Players of League of Legends will have to wait a while to play in Clash, the new competitive mode launched by Riot Games. The company reported that there were problems in some areas and decided to take the time to resolve them.

Riot apologized to users for the difficulties and said that fashion tests had failed in Europe, Vietnam and Turkey. Clash generates a large number of games simultaneously and this has caused some inconvenience with the operation of the MOBA.

"Many of these difficulties come from the fact that the platform with which League of Legends works has been created quickly to be able to expand it at high speed all over the world.Technically, the platform has been written as a monolithic service, which means that when a failure occurs, it is difficult to debug, "Riot said.

He added: "Each regional test will have a free entry.These may be fast beta tournaments from one day to three days that will approximate the full experience, but it is likely that we will have to deal with some issues. "

For the time being, there is no specific date for the new Clash launch, but the company has made it clear that it would not allow it as long as it will not be not totally convinced of its good functioning. "Ensuring you can play Clash is still one of the most important efforts for LoL in 2018," concluded Riot.

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