Led by China, the world’s largest trading bloc is born – Radioinforme 3


Without the presence of the United States, fifteen countries in the Asia-Pacific region signed the largest trade agreement in the world a few days ago.

Larger than the European Union and Alca, RCEP is made up of China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Laos , Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei. In addition, all parties said that in the short term they could add India.

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This is the first time that China, Japan and South Korea have participated in the same free trade agreement.

Ricardo Descalzi, director of the A Bridge to China diploma at the Faculty of Economics at UNC explained to Channel 3 that this global economic association “is made up of ten countries which are not very large, but which are gaining in importance in international trade”, while adding five important countries in the region such as Australia, China, Korea , Japan and New Zealand.

According to Descalzi, the main observation is “China’s strategic advantage and regional leadership.”

“We must compare this fact with the departure of the United States in 2017 from the trans-Pacific agreement to open some doors to Argentina thanks to the Chinese strategy,” he said.

And he remarked: “China is trying to integrate Latin American countries through the strategy or initiative of the fringe and the fair. It is trying to have a presence in South East Asia and integrate other regions of the world through economic cooperation and trade ”.

Guillermo López report.


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