LED lamps can cause irreversible damage


According to an international report published in France, LED lamps can permanently damage the retina and disrupt the natural rhythms of sleep.

The French Agency for Food, Environment and Safety and Health at Work (ANSES) warned that powerful LED lamps are "photo-toxic".

In a 400-page report, the agency warned that it could result in irreversible loss of retinal cells and a common cause of blindness.

It should be noted that the LED screens of phones, tablets and laptops do not pose a risk of eye damage, but that the intense light bulbs used in the headlights of cars can, the report suggested. He distinguished acute exposure to high intensity LED light and "chronic exposure" to lower intensity sources.

Although it is less dangerous, even chronic exposure can "accelerate the aging of the retinal tissues" and contribute to poor vision, the agency said.

Durable, energy efficient and economical, LED technology has penetrated half of the general lighting market in a decade.

And industry experts predict that their participation will continue to increase, exceeding 60% by the end of next year.

LED uses about one-fifth of the electricity needed for an incandescent bulb of comparable brightness.

LEDs are used for lighting homes and streets, as well as in offices and industry. They are also found more and more in the headlights of cars, torches and some toys.

LED displays, tablets and laptops pose no risk of eye damage, said ophthalmologist Francine Behar-Cohen.

He explained that they presented a lower risk because their brightness was very low compared to other types of lighting.

But these backlit devices, especially when they are used at night or in a dark environment, can "alter biological rhythms and, consequently, sleep patterns."

As the lens of their eyes is not completely formed, children are particularly susceptible to such interruptions, noted ANSES.

It is also known that interference with the circadian rhythm of the body aggravates metabolic disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer, said Dina Attia, researcher and project manager at ANSES .

In addition, a strobe effect on some LED lights, caused by small fluctuations in electrical current, can induce "headaches, visual fatigue and increased risk of accidents", says the report.

For domestic lighting, ANSES recommended the purchase of lighting LED "warm white", limit exposure to highly concentrated LED sources in blue light and avoid LED screens before bedtime.

He also said that manufacturers should "limit the light intensity of vehicle headlights", some of which are too bright.

Finally, the agency has questioned the effectiveness of some filters and sunglbades "anti-blue light".

Dame Sally Davies, Medical Director of the United Kingdom, said earlier that blue light was an "important area of ​​research".

What is blue light and what are its dangers?

LED lights emit much more blue light than standard incandescent bulbs of comparable brightness.

Blue light, which has one of the shortest wavelengths, is also emitted by flat screens, smartphones and tablets.

It has long been thought that this was the reason why night workers, exposed longer to artificial light, were at greater risk of cancer.

The light cuts the body's melatonin production, which plays a key role in regulating the body's clock.

This can alter other hormones. We know that prostate cancer and bad cancer are hormone-related.

And researchers at the University of Toledo last year warned that blue light could damage eyesight and accelerate the onset of blindness.

They found that prolonged exposure causes death of light-sensitive cells in the eye, which can lead to macular degeneration.

Blue light can penetrate the deepest layer of the skin, making it thinner and more fragile, according to dermatologists.

How to reduce exposure to blue light?

-Use a blue light filter on your phone, tablet or computer to protect your skin and eyes at night, advises Dr. Alejandro Sanchez, researcher graduate of the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development from the University of Exeter.

– Applications that filter blue light at night include f.lux for your computer and your phone. Others, such as Twilight or the "Night Mode" setting on your device, reduce the blue light emitted at all times.

-Everyone should use factor 50 sunscreen with a five-star broad spectrum protection to block UVA and UVB rays, as well as iron oxides, which protect against blue light, says Dr. Andrew Birnie, consulting dermatologist and skin cancer specialist at William Harvey and Kent and Canterbury Hospitals.

The Vitamin C serums can also provide antioxidant protection against blue light, says dermatology consultant Dr. Emma Wedgeworth.

-Avoid using your phone or computer in the dark because your students will expand and receive more blue light, says Dr. Ajith Karunarathne, an badistant professor in the department of chemistry and biochemistry of the University of Ottawa. University of Toledo.

-The more light is white or "colder", the greater the proportion of blue in the spectrum.

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