Leftist organizations protest against US intervention in Venezuela


The social and left-wing organizations met on Wednesday afternoon to denounce the interventionist policy of Donald Trump, who they claim to have committed an coup attempt in Venezuela.

Under the slogan: "Ni Trump, Guaidó, nor Maduro", the protesters also positioned themselves against the Bolivarian governmentwho has been criticized for the crisis the country is going through.

Frente de Izquierda expressed in a statement its repudiation of the Venezuelan President's regimethat they criticized for the elimination of collective labor agreements, the militarization of popular organizations and for leading the population to crisis without historywhich provoked the exile of millions of people.

The demonstrators marched from Plaza Italia to the American Embbadywhich was completely fenced. Once there, a group of several speakers from the Left Front, including Miriam Bregman, Marcelo Ramal, Nestor Pitrola, Cristian Castillo and Gabriel Solano, was created.


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