Legal abortion: in Rosario and Buenos Aires there will be pañuelazo before the CGT |


Rosario will join a "pañuelazo" next Tuesday in front of the local headquarters of the CGT. The demonstration of the city will reproduce the march called by the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, in front of the headquarters of the General Confederation of Labor of Azopardo 802 in the Federal Capital.

In Rosario, from 11.30 am handkerchiefs will be delivered and at 12.30 pm the pañuelazo will take place in Córdoba between Moreno and Balcarce.

The national campaign will issue a "meeting request" in Buenos Aires on Tuesday for the union to explain its position on the issue, following a statement in which no opinion was expressed on the issue. legal abortion, but concerns have been expressed about the situation of social works

The CGT issued a statement on Thursday stating that "it would not manifest an institutional position" on abortion "for the respect due that personal convictions deserve ", but He recalled that the" factory "has managed and alert the executive branch and the Ministries of Labor and Health on the impact of uncontrolled inflation on the savings of social works. "

And he warned against "the very high costs court rulings that compel institutions to comply with the experimental procedures, which led to the need for the creation of the Technology Assessment Agency" of health. "

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