Leopoldo López asserted that “it is time to resume the protests in Venezuela, as is happening in Cuba”


Leopoldo López participated via zoom in the press conference of Voluntad Popular
Leopoldo López participated via zoom in the press conference of Voluntad Popular

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition Leopoldo López participated via Zoom of a press conference of his party, the Popular Will, after the kidnapping of his companion Freddy guevara. “He is not there. We don’t know where it is“, did he declare. In addition, he stated that “Time to resume protests in Venezuela, as it is in Cuba”.

“I want to send a special greeting to all of Freddy’s (Guevara) family. We are many families from Voluntad Popular who have experienced this situation. We had over 500 Popular Will detainees. The entire leadership of our party has been subjected to prison, persecution and exile», López began his intervention.

Then he expressed: “I know Freddy very well. He has been a friend and wrestling partner for many years.. Together we founded Voluntad Popular. He is one of the people with the highest level of commitment to see Venezuela free. He made the decision to stay in Venezuela knowing he risked imprisonment”.

Regarding the time of detention on Monday, López stressed that “Freddy gave a very clear message of struggle and commitment foreseen by Juan Guaidó” and “you are prepared for this process that you must go through”.

In the image, Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara.  EFE / Rayner Peña R / File
In the image, Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara. EFE / Rayner Peña R / File

They were imprisoned for three years at the Chilean embassy and he left knowing that at any time they would return him to prison. This moment has come“, added the Leader of the Opposition.

Then he said that Guevara’s kidnapping responds to the fact that Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship intends to distract public opinion from two issues. The first is that the diet “he’s doing this to distract from what’s going on in Cuba. Maduro has always acted defending the interests of Cuba. I have no doubt that Maduro de Cuba has been asked to take action that would distract public opinion”, He underlined; saying that the second reason is “To divert the attention of the public regarding the capture of criminal groups from different neighborhoods of Caracas. Maduro looks for an enemy and distracted. These are the reasons for the kidnapping of Guevara ”.

Regarding the fate of his partner, he repeated that “He is missing, kidnapped by order of Maduro with the execution of Tareck Saab (Attorney General) and we know that this instruction was given to Sebin. We don’t know where it is”.

The Popular Will press conference
The Popular Will press conference

He then referred to the attempted kidnapping of Juan Guaido and underlined that “thanks to the neighbors it was not over. I want to recognize the bravery of Freddy, Juan and my brothers from Voluntad Popular. This fight is worth it and it is worth it from where we are. We must all unite to fight for Venezuela’s freedom», He concluded.

Before Leopoldo López, Freddy Guevara’s father spoke at the press conference. Freddy Guevara Sr. argued that “there are many people fighting for freedom“Of your child and that”the whole family begged him to leave the country. Decided to stay and take the risk. He knew it even though we talked about it, ”he said.

“It really hurts me that there are people who say it’s a show. Everyone here is a terrorist and an instigator. We can all be accused of these crimes. All with the same crimes», He quipped; while stressing that the politician “He stayed in Venezuela for me, for you and for you», He declared, indicating those present and triggered applause.

“We have to give him solidarity, give him strength and tell him that we are with him. We will continue to fight. I ask the international community not to forget Freddy. We must continue to fight for their freedom, ”he concluded.


Maduro’s dictatorship kidnapped opposition MP Freddy Guevara
Venezuela: Maduro regime officials attempt to arrest outgoing President Guaidó
This is how Guaidó was intercepted by agents of a Chavista security force

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