Leopoldo López is a refugee at the Embassy of Spain


The Spanish government confirmed Wednesday that Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López, his wife Lilian Tintori and his daughter were at their embbady in Caracas, after being refugees in Chile, as had the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero. .

Guaidó and López during the demonstrations Tuesday. Photo: EFE.
Guaidó and López during the demonstrations Tuesday. Photo: EFE.

Lilian Tintori and Leopoldo López, of Spanish origin, have settled at the Spanish Embbady. personal decision, considering that our embbady already had guests, "Ampuero said on Twitter.

I wish to update information: Lilian Tintori and Leopoldo López, of Spanish origin, have been transferred to the Embbady of Spain. It's a personal decision, given that our embbady already had guests.

– Roberto Ampuero (@robertoampuero) April 30, 2019

The Leader of the Opposition was released on Tuesday from the home detention of army officers linked to interim President Juan Guaidó, recognized by about fifty countries and member of the Voluntad Popular, political party founded by López.

Leopoldo López, with the blue ribbon with which the Venezuelans who rose against the Maduro government were identified. Photo: Reuters.
Leopoldo López, with the blue ribbon with which the Venezuelans who rose against the Maduro government were identified. Photo: Reuters.

Alberto Ravell, head of the National Communication Center, which serves as a press office for Guaidó, said on Twitter that Leopoldo López had not requested asylum from the Chilean government, as had been said to the 39; origin.

Lopez accompanied Guaidó and the military at the beginning of the Libertad operation to try to overthrow Nicolás Maduro's government. The interim president's goal was to take the air base at La Carlota, in Caracas, but that failed. Clashes between the Maduro regime forces and the anti-Chavists have left at least one dead, 109 wounded and 83 arrested.

Lopez with Guaidó. Photo: DPA
Lopez with Guaidó. Photo: DPA

"Lilian Tintori and Leopoldo López, of Spanish descent, have settled at the Spanish embbady.It is a personal decision, considering that our embbady already had guests, said the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, on Twitter. "

In addition, Alberto Ravell, head of the National Communication Center, acting as the press office of interim President Juan Guaidó, said on his Twitter account that López and his family "have requested asylum from the Chilean government and are no longer in prison, the diplomatic residence of the said country.

Spain has already granted nationality to Lopez's parents. In fact, the conservative popular party recently hired the opposition's father on the lists of European elections on May 26, the newspaper said. The country. Spain has already given asylum to other leaders of the Venezuelan opposition, such as the former mayor of Caracas Antonio Ledezma, who fled Venezuela in 2017, where he was under house arrest.


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