Leopoldo López: “Maduro is responsible for slow-motion genocide”


Leopoldo López denounced the fact that there are currently more than 400 political prisoners in different prisons in Venezuela. (Photo: EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

Since exile at Spain, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition Leopoldo Lopez talked this saturday with TN International and assured that the president Nicolas maduro is “responsible for a slow motion genocide, where the Venezuelan population is subject to a death sentence. In Venezuela, catching the Covid can mean the death when there are possibilities for care, and of course at this point in the country, you should be massively vaccinate. It seems that the interest of the dictatorship lies in keep killing to Venezuelans ”.

In this sense, the man who was arrested to oppose to the Chavista regime, he added: “To be a political prisoner in Venezuela it means torture, isolation and injustice, and this unfortunately today has no echo in the dictatorship. Today in Venezuela there are more than 400 political prisoners in different prisons, which have become centers of torture. As Mandela said, countries need to be evaluated on how they treat their prisoners. If this metric were applied to Maduro, it would end up being described for what it is: a criminal, a despot, an authoritarian ”.

About the controversy departure from Argentina of the Lima Group, He said: “Any defense of Nicolás Maduro comes dangerously close to looking like Nicolás Maduro ”, and defined the president Alberto Fernandez with one word: “Be quiet”.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has once again been severely criticized by opposition leader Leopoldo López. (Photo: Reuters)

Regarding the reasons why the project of the deputy chairman could not be finalized for the moment Juan Guaidó, which included the “end of the Chavist usurpation” of power, a transitional government and the call for elections that followed, López noted: indiscriminate recourse to repression, of persecution. Today in Venezuela there are dozens of deputies which are treaty For justice illegally, and the reality is that Maduro was responsible according to the report of the HIM-SHE-IT to have committed more than seven thousand homicides by the forces of repression and persecution of the dictatorship ”.

Venezuela continues to go through days spectacular for the economic and humanitarian crisis that are made worse by the pandemic, and there are already 5,400,000 displaced according to the latest United Nations report. “Venezuelans are not only up against Maduro, but also his international allies. Maduro has a very strong international support structure, which includes China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Cuba. These are all countries which have been fully employed and which have given him support in all directions so that Maduro remains in power, ”declared the referent of the ark of the opposition in dialogue with Carolina Amoroso.

In addition, López spoke of the Venezuelan opposition’s alliances with other nations. “We have support that we appreciate from countries of the region, Europe and the United States. But this support was limited to political recognition and to diplomatic support. When we compare the level of support, the one Maduro received from these authoritarian countries was more powerful and much more present in the power structure than what we received, ”he said.

Finally, he indicated that Maduro articulated a criminal power structure which keeps him in power and that on Venezuelan territory there is currently the presence of irregular groups, some of which come from Colombia, for example the FARC and the National Liberation Army (ELN). He also mentioned criminal groups in Venezuela, the Hezbollah, groups of smugglers and groups linked to Drug traffic like him Sinaloa poster. “All of them live in Venezuela under the protection and coordination of the dictatorship and its police and military forces,” concluded Leopoldo López.


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