Leopoldo López was released from house arrest by anti-Chavez soldiers and appears in a video with Guaidó


López, who was under house arrest, behind Guaidó Credit: Video Capture

CARACAS.- The leader of the Venezuelan opposition

Leopoldo Lopez

, who was under house arrest in the city of Caracas, was released this morning as part of an action promoted by

Juan Guaidó

, recognized as president of the country by the National Assembly and more than 50 countries, with the support of some members of the armed forces.

Guaidó, accompanied by Lopez and a group of soldiers, today called on military and civilians to take to the streets in search of the "final cessation" of the "usurpation" of the government of

Nicolás Maduro


The president in charge aired a video on social networks and launched a "big appeal to employees of the public sector" to "recover national sovereignty". He also thanked the support of the "brave".

"Venezuelan people, hello, our struggle has always been inscribed in the Constitution, in the non-violent struggle (…) in this process, we said that when the people would be in the street, we would badume the responsibilities" of the government Guaidó said, from Guaidó what he claimed was a military air base in Caracas.

"We are making a tremendous appeal to civil servants and to a fundamental element, our armed forces," he added, accompanied by López and surrounded by armored cars.

DPA and Reuters agencies


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