Leopoldo Luque and Agustina Cosachov, accused of the murder of Diego Maradona, have been banned from leaving the country


Agustina Cosachov and Carlos Diaz, members of the medical team of former footballer Diego Maradona (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive)
Agustina Cosachov and Carlos Diaz, members of the medical team of former footballer Diego Maradona (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive)

Today in the morning, the judge of guarantees Orlando diaz, which includes in the file that it is investigating the death of Diego Armando Maradona on a strong charge of simple homicide with possible intent, he banned psychiatrists Agustina Cosachov and Leopoldo Luque from leaving the country.

The decision was made after prosecutors in the case -Laura Capra, Patricio Ferrari, Cosme Iribarren, coordinated by San Isidro Attorney General John Broyad- They will blame those who hold the main responsibility for the idol’s health and death, passed away last November. Prosecutors called for a ban on their departures from Argentina and summoned them to investigate. The measure taken by Judge Díaz also reached the other five accused in the case, such as psychologist Carlos Díaz, nurses Ricardo Almirón and Dahiana Madrid.

The judge, among his reasons, claimed a possible risk of flight facing a heavy penalty if they are found guilty. << As regards the verification of the real risk of frustration with the objective of the process of non-adoption of measures, clearly linked to the principle of necessity invoked above, It must be taken into account, among other aspects, of the attributive event that the defendants face and of the legal qualification selected in a precarious manner, ”he said. “The very high expectation of mourning cannot be ignored,” he continued.

Luque and Cosachov, in addition to the simple homicide, are charged with the crimes of using a false private document and ideological falsification for using papers with Diego’s allegedly forged signature, as well as for issuing medical certificates without verifying his patient in person.

My friend and I: Maradona and the neurosurgeon months before death.
My friend and I: Maradona and the neurosurgeon months before death.

Madrid had opposed the prosecutors’ request through his defense lawyers, according to the judgment signed by the judge to which he agreed Infobae, “Given that This is a violation of the constitutional principle of freedom of movement, basing its claim on constitutional rules and supranational as well as in the innocence of its client ”. The defense request was also dismissed. His own lawyers have made it clear that he has no will to leave the country.

Particularly curious is the nursing chapter in the case. The nurse was present in the country of San Andrés on the day of the death. Depending on your version, heard him urinate around 7:30 a.m., the last sign of life. There was no visual confirmation, he barely heard it. But the document that reached Attorney Capra’s WhatsApp says otherwise. There was an entry at 9:30 am, where the nurse reportedly attempted to check Diego’s vital signs. The former world champion, according to the document, he refused to be checked.

In its continuation this morning, Madrid he did admit having heard him urinate, But he said something extremely curious about the second entry in the document given to the nursing company he works for. “I wrote in the report that I tried to check his vital signs, which is not true,” Dahiana said, according to a senior forensic source: “I put him on an indication of coordinator.”

The investigations will begin on Monday 31 of this month and will last until the end of June: Luque and the psychologist Díaz have already received the release from prison following the demands of their lawyers.


Legal evidence to accuse Luque and Cosachov of killing Maradona

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