Letizia and Juliana, a duel of styles marked by austerity | Class


The Spanish press had already warned that despite her state visit, Queen Letizia of Spain would not wear a wreath at official ceremonies in which she will participate during her stay in Buenos Aires. On both sides of the ocean, the reissue of the "Duel of styles" between his majesty and Juliana Awada, who had her first tour in February 2017 on the occasion of Macri's visit to Spain.

If, at that time, opulence and brightness characterized women's styling, which, until now, research women seems to meet the need to reduce ostentation and ostentation depending on the economic situation in the country.

After a missed arrival in Buenos Aires, the former journalist came down from the plane that took her dressed in a dress Hugo Boss in green water, sleeveless and long up to the knees, just underlined by a belt.

The 20 degrees recorded in the Sunday night were not enough for the monarch to accompany the garment with a coat. His accessories, stilettos and on white of the Spanish house Magrit and hoops of brilliant.

Today in the morning, kings began the Argentine agenda with the deposit of a wreath at the monument to General San Martin, on the square of Retiro district in Buenos Aires. Letizia has once again opted for pure colors, this time with a white dress of the late Spanish designer Pedro del Hierro Sleeveless and skirt with knee. Completed with burgundy accessories again from Magrit.

The Spanish press pointed out that, in the sober look of the queen, the diamond and pearl earrings borrowed from Queen Sofia's jeweler could be distinguished. Letizia will have traveled without a crown, but not without real jewels.

In the middle of the morning, the kings were received by Mauricio Macri and Awada at Casa Rosada. The women organized a new "duel of styles" in which they agreed for their sobriety. The First Lady wore a long-sleeved knee-length dress in midnight blue with small white and silver dots. Accompanied by stiletto heels to the right tone and distributed, as usual, jewelry.

The photo of the two was quite different from the one taken on the esplanade of the Royal Palace in 2017. On this occasion, they had agreed to wear pale pink colors, a knee skirt and stylized hairstyles. Awada, sheathed in a fur-lined jacket and wearing her signature Threesomehe had taken risks by wearing stilettos with rockstud model of studs Valentino. With sophistication, the First Lady had added a touch of modernity and luxurious design.

A short gala

The first day of Spanish monarchs in Buenos Aires will end with a dinner hosted by Macri and Awada in the Gallery of the Shield Hall of the Kirchner Cultural Center. It was announced that the evening would be semi-gala, so women should dress short and Letizia will not wear a tiara.

Whatever the case may be, the monarch did not travel to Buenos Aires with wreaths. There is a tradition, initiated by her mother-in-law Sofía, not to wear this type of jewelry during visits to the republics. Unlike February 2017 where Letizia was placed next to Awada with the tiara Flor de Lis, one of the most important jewels of the royal family, it will be this time of a year. queen without crown.


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