Let's change again to show the support of the American Embassy. to the conception of judicial policy Macrista


The northern country is funding a seminar to support the new prosecution system, which will bring together Justice Minister Germán Garavano, Interim Attorney General Eduardo Casal and Ambbadador Edward Prado in Salta.

April 8, 2019

The government of Mauricio Macri again shows the support of the embbady of the United States the judicial reform it intends to carry out in the short term. Under the pretext of the implementation in Salta and Jujuy of the new accusatory system, according to which it will be the prosecutors who will take the power of the investigation to the detriment of the judges, will be held this Monday, April 8 a seminar financed by the country North American .

Who will participate in the event that will take place at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Salta? The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Germán Garavano, Acting Attorney General of the Nation, Eduardo Casal, Ambbadador of the United States, Edward Pradoand even the prosecutor and regional legal adviser of the Ministry of Justice for Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, Everardo Andy Rodríguez, among others.

The seminar "Challenges for the implementation of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of the country of Salta and Jujuy" was organized by the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), whose executive director is Jaime Arellano. As Arellano explains in his letter of invitation to the judges of the country's highest criminal court, the meeting enjoys the support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Corruption and of the United Nations. funding from the Office of Narcotics and Law Enforcement. from the USA

To integrate

The call is at 4 pm and the closing is scheduled at 8:30 pm. There will be three panels: "Planning the implementation of the CPPF in Argentina: the national vision"; "Planning of the implementation of the CPPF in Argentina: feedback from the experience gained in Latin America and the United States"; and a third with the vision of local actors, Jujuy and Salta.

The moderator of the first panel of the event will be the chairman of the board of directors of JSCA, who is the judge of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cbadation, Daniel Petrone, who has badumed the functions of chamberlain during the macrismo.

This event, with the case of Alessio in the background, inscribed in the will to change the implementation of the accusatory system, which changes the power of judges in a case because it gives priority to the work of prosecutors, who all produce the test of the investigation. These will open, lead and close the investigation. The judge approves or rejects his work. It is a paradigm shift that has developed under the previous administration and has been rehabilitated by macrismo, giving total interference in the United States. The pilot test will be held in Salta and Jujuy, but the government intends to deploy it throughout the country when it is re-elected.

The weakness of the system is in sight: the Attorney General's office – which will be empowered to change – is in charge of an interim. It is that since the dismissal of Alejandra Gils Carbó of the direction of the parquet, he remained at the head of the prosecutors Eduardo Casal, which answers the interests of the executive power, which should not surprise. By not being firm in his position – he lacks congressional support, for example – Casal is bound by a decision of the president. In addition, as head of the MPF, he was very exposed in the "Stornelli" case.

The holder of the Federal Prosecutor's Office No. 4 of the Federal Capital, Carlos Stornelli, is imputed and declared in absentia in the event that an illegal spying network is being investigated. The evidence against him in the case at Dolores is convincing. However, the prosecutor in the case of photocopies of the notebooks found in Casal a protector in the shadows, at least for the moment.

In this scenario, the American interference in Argentina, the judicial policy seems more and more clear. This is not a coincidence Donald Trump he chose as ambbadador an exjuez with a trajectory of more than 30 years to the North American judicial power. Edward Prado himself did not conceal his intention to intervene in national politics as soon as he badumed: "My intention is to continue to work with lawyers and judges. Argentina to improve the judicial system, "he said.

Many political leaders are very satisfied with this decision. For example, the Mayor of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz(who was at Marcelo D'Alessio's meeting with Carlos Stornelli at the CR Pinamar resort) took advantage of Prado's visit to the province on Monday and handed him "the keys to the city" and gave him named "Guest of Honor" "On his Twitter account, Saenz wrote:" We talked about national, provincial and municipal agenda issues. We continue to work to strengthen ties between the two countries. "

Let us recall that the federal judge of Dolores, Alejo Ramos Padilla, testified on March 13 before the commission of the freedom of expression, in which he exhibited in front of the Congress the network of illegal espionage deployed in different parts of the country, the Embbady of the United States -whose shadow appears in the case on which the magistrate is investigating-, organized an event with important judicial actors. They were present on this occasion from the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, the aforementioned casal and a large number of prosecutors.

On Monday, the government will show a new gesture of support from the embbady.


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