Let's change for a vice for Macri: the radical option and partners of the formula


Mauricio Macri with Patricia Bullrich Source: archive

The last plot of


, the companion of



Mauricio Macri

, entered the phase of "badysis and study" before the resolution, but competing names remain subject to absolute reservation. Although today's "court is inclined" for the candidate to be a "radical or filoradical" leader, the truth is that all options are open; same, that the president calls an "outsider" of politics.

Near the head of state, the idea is consolidated that giving the vice presidency to the Radical Civic Union (UCR) would be a gesture of reciprocity after the majority support of the party at the national convention.

While the opening of the formula would be a response to the radical leadership's call for openness, the truth is that today there is a leader who possesses the main virtue that Macri seeks in his potential mate, loyalty and at the same time traccione. votes. In the first list they appear

Ernesto Sanz

, name always present in front of these eventualities, and the deputy

Mario Negri

, who just made a bad choice in Cordoba.


Martín Lousteau

? The question causes laughter at Casa Rosada. "After three days, we threw stones at him from the Senate, and he had already warned that he was not in Cambiemos," a general counselor of macrismo brutally described. The former minister of the economy is one of the few leaders to add a few points and Macri intellectually respects him, but his dialectical pyrotechnics has removed him from the race.

A similar case is that of

Alfredo Cornejo

. The governor of Mendoza and president of the UCR has caused a lot of headaches to the government during these four years and its criticism has intensified in recent months. Some officials close to the president said that this quasi-opposition profile was the product of Mendoza's internal profile.

Those who speak daily with the president repeat the same thing: the decision will only be Macri. When will he solve it? "We have time, but it can go from one moment to the next," said a member of the table who is working on the details of the campaign.

One of the most important problems is that of black palate macrates, as chief of staff,

Marcos Peña;

the Secretary General of the Presidency,

Fernando de Andreis

and the Ecuadorian consultant

Jaime Durán Barba

, is that the vice must maintain "the identity" and the "coherence" of this space.

"The financial burden of wasting would be very heavy," official sources warned.

In the macrist universe, there are three options, all women. The vice president

Gabriela Michetti;

and the ministers

Carolina Stanley

(Social Development) and

Patricia Bullrich

(Security). Some also placed Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio in the same line, because of his political weight and his ability to negotiate, although his friends dismissed him outright.

During these four years, Michetti has demonstrated his absolute loyalty. "Their behavior was indisputable," they explained near Macri.

Stanley and Bullrich, although they do not contribute to the votes, have very different characteristics. The head of the social development sector, for her work in the field, has the ability to reach the places where Macri has the most difficulties, as in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Bullrich, meanwhile, is the representation of the crack. For Macri, he is one of the most effective people on his team and a fierce supporter of the government.

The Peronist option was deserted. The categorical rejection of the governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, was the last attempt to bring the founders of the Federal Alternative to Cambiemos. At Casa Rosada, they think that Urtubey, Miguel Pichetto and the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, will play an important role for Macri in the vote.

Yes, before the super polarization in which the elections against Kirchnerism are going, according to the main swords of the national government, the president of Salta and the senator will be more encouraged to sit and negotiate with Macri. This space will be the key to a possible second term to reach the parliamentary majority that will ensure the government's approval of three key reforms: labor, social security and taxation.

The scenario of the other aspirants to the renewal of the energy is different,

Maria Eugenia Vidal


Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

The governor of Buenos Aires will share the formula again with Daniel Salvador. In case of doubt, the work done by the lieutenant governor to align the radical troops under the UCR convention in Buenos Aires eventually convinced Vidal. The decision is made and will be announced in the coming days.

The Mayor of Buenos Aires wants that

Diego Santilli

come back in second. "They work very well together," sources close to the village chief said. But there is still a conversation between them. Is Santilli, who is also responsible for the Ministry of Security, aiming to fight for the city in 2023 and the renewal of the post would leave him out of the race.

For Rodriguez Larreta, this is his "Plan A", but the case will be resolved in the hours leading up to June 22nd, closing date for nominations.


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