Ley Justina: What other laws are there with the name of a woman?


Yesterday, the amendment of Law 24.193 was pbaded in Congress, which was originally promulgated in April 1993. The law of organ transplantation and anatomical material will be popularly known since yesterday as
"Ley Justina" in honor of Justina Lo Cane, deceased pending a heart transplant.

There are other Argentine laws which, apart from the file number, are commonly known as the person who promoted their project, both for its active struggle in the cause and for being a case that showed the need for a new regulation. In the United States, they are called "laws of the apostrophe" (laws of the apostrophe).

Ley Evita

Source: Archivo

It was promulgated on September 23, 1947, under the government of Juan Domingo Perón. Originally prepared in 1932 by Alicia Moreau de Justo, it is Maria Eva Duarte de Perón who promoted and obtained the sanction of this law which says in her first article: "Argentine women will have the same political rights and will be subject to same obligations as accepting or imposing the laws on Argentine men. "

Article 3 of the law establishes that women have the same electoral rights as men and establishes universal suffrage in the country.

Ley Diana Sacayán

Credit: Facebook Justice by Diana Sacayan

The trans quota labor law was the latest conquest of Diana Sacayan, a trans woman who fought for her rights for her entire life. Among other things, Diana and her activist group of the Anti-Discrimination Movement for Liberation (MAL) realized in 2007 that provincial hospitals respect the self-perceived identity of transgender or transvestites. And years later, thanks to his perseverance, on September 17, 2015, the law 14 783 (now known as the Diana Sacayán law), trans quota of transvestites in the State of Buenos Aires, was adopted, which stipulates that "1% of the public administration positions must be occupied by transvestites, transbaduals and transgender persons over 18 years of age", and that "the State must guarantee access at the station and that there is a permanence ". A few days later, his body was found dead, after being the victim of a brutal attack.

Yesterday, the Justina Act and the Brisa Act were added.

Ley Justina

THE JUSTINE LAW HAS BEEN APPROVED! [R] Unanimously, with 202 votes in favor, the Chamber of Deputies sanctioned the "Justina Law", which provides that all adults must become donors, unless they are in the same position. otherwise expressly provide. The fight of the family of Justina Lo Cane, 12-year-old girl who died last November, waiting for a heart transplant, was awarded, IS LAW. #DONARSALVAVIDAS [R][R]

A shared publication of
THE NATION (@lanacioncom)

Approved yesterday in the Deputies and previously in the Senate,
this law is about a reform of the organ transplant law which consists mainly of
all people over the age of 18 become donors, unless they express the opposite: "the removal of organs and / or tissues can be performed on anyone capable of more than 18 years of age who has not expressly expressed opposition to the fact that after his death is the extraction of organs or tissues, "he says.

Justina Lo Cane was 12 years old and was suffering from transgenic heart disease. I needed an urgent transplant but even though I was the first on the Incucai emergency list, the compatible heart never happened. She was admitted to the Favaloro Foundation for more than three months until her death on November 22nd. Her family had been promoting in social networks a campaign to ask Justina's heart and raise awareness about organ donation in the country.

Ley Brisa

At the same session yesterday in the Chamber of Deputies, the Brisa law was promulgated, which proposes an economic compensation for the children of the victims of feminicide. It provides financial badistance for a child or teen who has been orphaned by one of his two parents by the action, instigation or complicity of the other in his homicide .

Brisa is the youngest daughter of Daiana Barrionuevo, December 2014 in Moreno victim of beatings of her husband, Iván Rodríguez, the father of his three children. Rodriguez was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017.

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