Licensed, he returned to the supermarket where he worked and killed two former colleagues | Chronic


At least two people died and two were wounded in a Tuesday shootout at a Walmart supermarket in Mississippi, the CNN news channel reported.

The shots were recorded in the morning at a Southaven town shop, Mississippi's third-largest state, in the southeastern United States. The local website 24 news He said two employees had been killed, one outside the store and the other inside.

The shooter is hospitalized and his state of health is unknown.

The attacker and a policeman who were shot were taken to nearby hospitals. According to sources at the Baptis DeSoto Hospital, the officer was wearing a bulletproof vest and therefore did not get injured. During this time, the shooter is hospitalized and his state of health is unknown.

According to a store employee, the attacker is a former Walmart employee who worked in the store for 25 years and was recently fired. A witness cited by CNN, Carlos OdomHe said that he was leaving the store when he heard "a lot of shots: pa pa pa pa pa, more than a dozen shots"he badured.

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"I just thought about" Run! "And ran to my car – it's crazy – the world is crazy today." he added.

The names of the two victims have not been revealed.

Southaven is a city of 49,000 people located near the border between Mississippi and Tennessee and the suburbs of Memphis.


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