Life imprisonment of homosexual killer "Santa Claus" | Chronic


The serial killer Bruce McArthur The Ontario Superior Court of Justice sentenced him to life imprisonment for the murder of eight homobadual men in Canada, with whom he had relationships. However, the defendant could apply for parole after 25 years in prison.

McArthur, 67, who pleaded guilty to eight counts of first degree murder from 2010 to 2017, was arrested in January 2018. After killing and dismembering the bodies, he hid some of the remains in the jars. his garden. The hearing revealed that he had kept objects belonging to his victims and that he had pictures on his computer.

READ ALSO: They stopped Santa Claus murderer of homobaduals

When he was arrested at home after two years of investigation, the police registered a ninth name, which he found tied to the bed with a package placed on his head.

The court's decision prompted a series of criticisms, mostly from Toronto's gay community. "I'm not happy with that, I'm not happy at all"he pointed Nicole Borthwick, a friend of the victims. "This community is broken and broken for a long time", he added.

The case investigations were heavily questioned, while police were criticized for not having made the necessary efforts to resolve the case in time.

Hours after the final verdict, the Toronto Police Chief, Mark Saunders, He again defended his agents, saying that they had done everything possible to find the culprit of the killings and announced that he was satisfied with the sentence. "Let's be honest, I do not see Bruce McArthur see the day, I do not see him in any public place", he added.

In statements issued by GlobalnewsSaunders said the police had opened the investigation into the disappearance of the first three victims in November 2012, but that they had never had enough evidence to prosecute the case until the next day. to 2017.

On the other hand, the judge John McMahon stated that if the defendant had remained free "There is no doubt that Bruce McArthur would have continued to kill"He had not shown signs of remorse.


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