"Light" drinks reduce the risk of cancer and tumor death


Taking Drinks Lightweight & # 39; or artificially sweetened is badociated with a significantly lower risk of cancer than Colon and cancer deaths according to a study conducted at the Yale Cancer Center (States United States), published in "Plos One" magazine.

"The drinks " light & # 39; have a bad reputation in society because of badumptions risks for the health that have never been documented.Our study shows that they help to avoid recurrence of cancer and deaths in patients who were treated for advanced colon cancer ", said the authors of the study.

scientists found that, out of a sample of 18 participants, those who drank artificially sweetened beverages per day had a 46 per cent improvement in the risk of cancer recurrence or compared to those who did not (19659007) "Therefore, for patients with colon cancer who have difficulty in refraining from taking sweets drinks, choose options edulc Artificially adorned instead of drinks with sugar can allow them to avoid these health ramifications, "the researchers said.

The studies, which were included as part of the global clinical trial, were designed to find badociations of specific foods and beverages and risk of colon cancer and deaths although they are not intended to prove the cause and ultimate effects.

[19659002] In this regard, a study found that participants in clinical trials who drank coffee had a significantly reduced risk of cancer recurrence and deaths . Another found a similar benefit in patients who ate nuts. The new work badyzed artificially sweetened beverages because a previous study concluded that drinks light . greatly increased the risk of developing colon cancer.

"Concerns that artificial sweeteners may increase the incidence of obesity, diabetes, and cancer were elevated, but studies of problems such as weight gain and diabetes have been very varied and, compared to cancer epidemiological studies in humans have not shown such relationships, "add the experts.

In the study, the increase in consumption of beverages light was badociated with a lower risk of cancer or deaths after adjusting for other predictors of cancer recurrence "experts said.



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