Lightning killed three children and two adults in Cuba


Three children and two adults died and another person was injured by lightning during a storm in the Cuban province of Mayabeque, the government newspaper reported today. Granma in its digital edition.

The accident occurred yesterday afternoon on La Puntilla Beach in Santa Cruz del Norte, reported EFE.

The six people were sheltered under a tree when they were electrocuted.

Among the dead are a 31-year-old woman, a 43-year-old man and three children aged 3, 9 and 12 years old.

The injured child is 5 years old and is admitted to Juan Manuel Márquez pediatric hospital in Havana where he receives specialized care.

According to data from the Cuban Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy published in 2018, at least 65 people die each year in Cuba from lightning, the leading cause of death due to meteorological phenomena in the country, with 1,682 deaths registered between 1979 and 2013. (Telam)


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