Lights and explosion in the sky of Japan by a meteorite – News


In addition to the flashes of light, witnesses confirmed a strong explosion.

Residents of the central Kanto region, north of Tokyo, were terrified on Thursday when a meteorite entered the atmosphere and caused a loud explosion.

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The International Meteor Organization has compiled data produced by the body and calculated that the energy released in the explosion is equivalent to 150 tons of TNT with a size and mass of the object of 1.5 meters in diameter and 5.5 tons.

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Daichi Fujii, supervisor of the Hiratsuka Museum, is the one who captured the passage of the car with a camera installed in his home and explained that the star was crossing the sky from west to east.

It was also recorded by an infrasound monitoring station of the International (Nuclear Explosion) Monitoring System, but at a distance of 1150 kilometers.


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