Like Homer, "tachero" drove with stocks on | Chronic


In Bucaramanga, Colombia, a taxi driver was parked incorrectly and for this reason, traffic police have applied for the vehicle on the left rear tire.

Fifteen minutes later, when the unsuspecting driver returned (according to local media reports after being in a casino), he noticed that he had been fined, but that was not a problem. 39, importance and, as can be seen in the pictures, the subject began and moved several meters a striking white stripe on the asphalt.

According to the workers mentioned: "We stopped him and seeing that he could not escape, he went down and presented the documents. His driver's license had expired, so his car was immobilized. Because he tried to run away, he walked about 30 meters and the car stopped as recorded in the video, you are not entitled to discounts ».

As an omen of fate, a scene from The Simpsons (when Homer they fined him and he drove with actions around the city of New York) seems to have predicted this.

Here is the memorable scene of Homer in New York


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