Like Maduro, Guaidó asked the pope for help | Chronic


Juan Guaidó called this Thursday for the help of the pope Francisco and international diplomacy to achieve a transitional government that will lead "to really free elections".

"I appeal to all those who can help us, as the Holy Father and all the diplomaties, so that they can collaborate for the end of the usurpation, for a transitional government and that lead to genuinely free elections " Guaidó said in an interview with the Italian television channel Sky24.

President "manager", which has been recognized by dozens of countries, has accused the president Nicolás Maduro Be responsible of "murder of cold blood" opponents in the streets in order to "intimidate" and said that he would be delighted to receive the Pope in Venezuela, "a very Catholic country".

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The possibility of involving the Vatican in a process of dialogue was first envisaged by the chavist leader, who this week had asked for the pope's mediation in a letter in which he asked him to participate in the settlement of the crisis.

"I sent a letter to Pope Francis, I hope that it comes or that it is already in Rome, at the Vatican, saying that I am at the service of the cause of Christ, and with that in mind I asked him for help in a facilitation process and to strengthen the dialogue "said Maduro, also in statements to Sky24.

In this regard, Francisco said that he would be willing to mediate whenever both parties would request it, in statements to reporters on the flight that had brought him back from a visit in Abu Dhabi.

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"We will see what can be done, but for mediation to take place, the will of both parties is needed." The initial conditions are clear: as the parties request, we are always available.said the pope.

On Thursday, the Vatican spokesman insisted that the pontiff "reserves the possibility to check the will" Government of Venezuela and the opposition to determine whether the conditions for possible mediation exist.

"The Holy Father has always reserved and therefore reserves the possibility of verifying the will of both parties by determining whether there are conditions to follow this path", reported Thursday the acting director of the press office of the Holy See, Alessandro Gisottiin a statement.


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