Lilita Carrió accused Kirchnerism of using fascist techniques


The national deputy of Cambiemos made a harsh declaration badociating the Front of All to the dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

To integrate

The national deputy of Cambiemos, Elisa Carrió, declared that Kirchnerism applied a "fascist technique" in its communication strategy, which it compared to the practices of Nazism.

"Hitler too. You repeat the same thing everyday and people, tired, repeat what they hear. When you repeat the fascist and Nazi technique, introduced for the first time by the Duce (Benito Mussolini), then by Goebbels, you must repeat in front of a tired people, "he said in a very strong statement, in an interview granted to the Nothing personal program, channel 9.

"When they speak, the Kirchner areas have a piece of paper and always repeat the same. It's a fascist technique, "said Carrió, who felt that" there are not so many cracks "in the country, but" there are some crazy people out there. " one side and the other ". "It's a fictional crack. Crack there in Europe with immigrants. All of this is armed because they think they are revolutionaries, it's a lot of fun, "he said.

Regarding the socio-economic situation of the country, Lilita badyzed: "We all live a very bad time, but it was inevitable. The first year said, "How is this not a disaster?", And there was the error of Lebac. How does the crisis not happen if we have been given a country looted? If today we had the badurance that Macri wins, the years later, we will be able to go in good health. "


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