Lima: A young woman has disappeared and found traces of blood in her house


As part of the search for Stella Maris Ramirez a series took shape raids and rakes in the Lima region and on the path that the Atucha nuclear power plant is leading, but they could not locate his body, as was supposed.

However, at home, they were discovered – thanks to their knowledge of the Luminol reagent – traces of blood on the wall of a room, in the back of a van and in the washing machine. Therefore, the prosecutor Alberto Gutierrez fixed the arrest of Ramirez's husband, identified as Carlos Entivero, who is accused of a hypothetical femicide.

Stella Maris Ramírez disappeared on August 2nd from her house in the Farm 8 district of Lima, although the complaint was filed only last Tuesday when her family, who lives in the province of Chaco, learned from his friends and neighbors news of his comings and goings.

Stella Maris Ramírez's parents arrived in Lima yesterday and were subjected to blood extractions to perform the corresponding DNA checks. The mother of the girl said, in statements to Radio Alfa, that his son-in-law "is a violent man" and that he knew that his daughter "was abused".

Entivero is from the Correntine city of San Roque and has lived in Lima for six years with his young wife, with whom they have the parents of a 5-year-old girl.

Stella Maris Ramírez's mother He said that Carlos Entivero did not allow him to visit his daughter and that's the reason he just learned about the disappearance of friends from they contacted the family on Facebook worried because they had not known her for days. "We have no trace, we do not know anything. The husband is detained and I will ask the prosecutor to do the same with his mother for complicity, "said the woman.It is what was said, "On the day of my daughter's disappearance, her mother-in-law went from Corrientes to Lima, with the aim that she suspected of helping her to get rid of the evidence.".

As the neighbors said, the day they saw Stella Maris for the last time, they heard screams and blows, while in the following days, they warned that the husband changed places and lit another. The missing daughter's mother also testified that the clothes with which her daughter was last seen were found washed and stored in a bag at home and her son-in-law was kidnapped by four guns.

"This person is a violent person (…) My daughter took her baby to the garden with bruises on her face or arm. He is aggressive, violent, carries weapons, causes, consumes drugs ", concluded the mother of the young woman, who fears to be killed and removed her body.


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