LinkedIn has added new features to its email service


LinkedIn added 6 new features to its messaging service, some of which only related to the users of the application, more and more chosen to use the social network.

Las ] LinkedIn's new features equate the service with other messaging applications and help, in some environments, to encourage everyday conversations.

 Linkedin Messages

New Features

  • Developing Message Writing Committee . The idea is that it is easier to visualize what is written, especially when the discussion is long. Initially, it will be available on mobile and later on the web version.
  • Attach files from the application . Users can attach files easily. Allow only the sending of PDF, DOC, XLS and PPT.
  • Emojis . Messages can now contain clbadic faces, but only in the version of LinkedIn in the web version.
  • Simpler group conversations . The application LinkedIn will offer starting group conversations in a few steps. When you press the + icon to create a message, the user will receive suggestions from contacts.
  • Mentions . The @ who popularized Twitter has landed on LinkedIn which will allow you to use it to talk to someone in a particular way in a newsgroup. In a conversation between two people, the mentions system will be used to share a profile.
  • Copy and paste images . The web version of the LinkedIn messaging service will add images in a simple way, enriching conversations.


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