Lionel Messi, in tears: “I would have liked to say goodbye in another way” | He did not confirm his next destination during the press conference he gave from Barcelona


Not a word came to speak Lionel messi who already had tears in his eyes, has just entered the room this Sunday for his Barcelona farewell press conference. Antonella Roccuzzo, who was in the front row with her children, had to get up to get her handkerchiefs. A real end of the era, that of Rosario and the Catalan club, which fired him with his 35 indoor trophies.

There has been neither darts, at least super explicit, nor confirmation of his new destination, despite the fact that they all point to Paris Saint-Germain. Almost there was only room for emotion and, above all, Rosario’s assurance that he did “everything possible” to continue at Barcelona. Here, the most striking fragments of the striker’s speech.

  • “Hello, the truth is, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to speak. These last days I was thinking, turning it over … Let’s see what I could say and nothing came out, I was stuck. As I still am now. It’s very difficult for me, after so many years, to do my whole life here. I was not ready. Last year when the whole Burofax mess erupted, it did. But not this year. This year I was convinced that we would continue here, my family and I, in our house, that’s what we wanted the most “.
  • I would have liked to say goodbye in a different way. I never imagined my farewell because I didn’t think about it but I don’t think I would have imagined it that way. I would have liked to do it with people in the field, to be able to hear a last ovation, a last darling. I missed him so much during this pandemic. I am withdrawing from this club without seeing them and it has been over a year and a half. But hey, it was like that. “
  • “It was a bucket of cold water. We did not expect it. It was very sad, hard … Until today we assimilate it as best we can. But hey, l ‘important is that I will be surrounded by my family, my relatives. And the most important thing is that I’m going to keep playing football, that’s what I love to do the most and once I start, all of this will surely happen to me. “

About his departure

  • “Everything was arranged and at the last minute, because of the La Liga problem, it could not be done. That’s what Laporta said. (the club president). We had fixed everything and it could not be done. “
  • “I don’t know (if the club have done everything they can). What I am clear is that I have done everything I can. The club, Laporta, said it was not possible due to a problem with La Liga, but I heard a lot about myself, why I did not continue. But I assure you that I did everything to stay, because I wanted to stay. Last year I didn’t want to stay and I said that too. And this year he wanted and couldn’t. For my part, I did not deceive the people. “
  • “The only thing I know is that it was not possible because of La Liga, because of the club’s debt, because the club did not want to borrow more. I have nothing to say to Tebas (the president of La Liga), the truth is that I never said anything to him, I will have crossed him once or twice. The times I have met him, I have had a warm welcome. I have nothing to tell you now because I have no problem with Thebes. “

Uncertain fate

  • “It’s a possibility (that of PSG). Honestly, to this day I haven’t worked out anything with anyone. It is true that when the press release came out I had a lot of calls from several clubs that were interested. And nothing, I still have nothing closed but we are talking to each other, obviously. “
  • “I had a lot of hard, difficult times … A lot of defeats but in the end, the next day, I went back to training, the weekend I had another rematch … This no, it does not come back. It’s the end in this club and now another story begins. This is one of my most difficult times “.


  • “I have always tried to manage myself with humility and respect. I hope that is what I have left in this house, besides the luck that I have had to live and to give a lot of things to the club. I’ve been through a lot of beautiful and bad things as well, but it made me grow and continue to improve myself to be the person I am today. I gave everything for this club, for this jersey, from the first day of my arrival to the last. And I leave more than satisfied “.
  • “Very difficult to stay with a moment. Many years ago a lot has gone through. But maybe the best moment was when I started out. It was the start of everything, to make my dreams come true. I keep the moment of my debut, everything that followed was wonderful.

The photo in Ibiza, “una boludez”

“The truth is, there’s been a lot of talk about this photo and I’ll explain it quickly because it’s stupid. I was going to meet Say Maria and ParedesWe talked about it at the Copa (America) that we were going to be in Ibiza. The day before our arrival (in Barcelona) we would meet to spend the night. Ney calls meNeymar), who was in Ibiza, let’s see. I arranged with Lea and Fide that we were going to meet, and she said to me “well, come to my place and we will all meet”. We went there, we had a barbecue with friends, Verratti (Marco; PSG player) was there too … And then we took a picture, nothing more. But the photo of the moment. It was a coincidence that after what happens happens and that it is given a lot of importance. There is nothing weird, nothing behind it. “

The previous

After several days of surprise at the start of Barcelona and suspense on his next destination, Lionel Messi will clarify all his assumptions this Sunday morning – from 7 a.m. Argentina time – during a press conference he will give from the Camp Nou himself.

The Rosario are expected to give their version of events on their farewell to the club of their life and confirm their new squad, which appear to be the French Paris Saint-Germain of Mbappé and Neymar.

With many fans stuck in the vicinity of the stadium, the protagonists enter the auditorium, such as coach Ronald Koeman, teammates from Rosario and even former players, such as Carles Puyol and Xavi Hernández. There is also the Rosario family in the front row, with Antonella Roccuzzo and her three children.


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