LIVE | Tribute to the Twin Towers attacks: the moving moment of silence and the self-critical speech of George Bush


a September 11th very special where you live new York and around the world, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the twin towers attacks. The american president Joe biden He leads a moving ceremony with some of his incumbent predecessors, local authorities and the families of the victims. Thousands of police, bomb detection units and trained dogs roam the area to prevent another terrorist attack, despite authorities clarifying that there is no specific threat.

Kamala Harris called for unity

Posted on 11/09/2021 at 12:37

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala harris, he moved to Pennsylvania after being present at Ground Zero where he stated that “in the days following September 11, 2001, we have all been reminded that unity is possible in the USA”

“Unity is essential: it is essential for our prosperity, for our national security and our position in the world,” he added.

Kamala Harris delivered a speech in Pennsylvania and called for the unity of the country. (Photo: EFE / Jim Lo Scalzo).

“I think in the United States, our diversity is our strength. At the same time, we saw after 9/11 how fear can be used to divide our nation from the way Muslims were targeted because of the way they prayed, but we also see how so many Americans in the spirit of the nation come together. in solidarity with all people, with their peers, with their compatriots, with those who experience violence and discrimination, ”said Harris.

Twenty years after September 11, George W Bush spoke in Pennsylvania: “Americans were vulnerable, but not fragile.

Posted on 09/11/2021 at 11:52

Former President of the United States George W. Bush, in power at the time of the attacks, paid tribute in Pennsylvania to the victims who died there after the brawl between the crew and passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 against the hijackers of the plane that would target the one of the institutional buildings in Washington DC

According to the former president, one of the lessons learned from that day was that “Americans were vulnerable, but not fragile. With an inherent strength that can cope with whatever life throws at it. We discovered that bravery is more common than we imagine and that it shines in the face of death, we knew that every moment with our loved ones is precious ”.

“It would be a mistake to underestimate what happened that day. All that was seen was death, many felt the horror and suffering, all that was heard was the terrible silence of God. Many continue to struggle with this deep pain that they carry inside, ”said Bush.

George W. Bush speaks at the United Airlines Flight 93 Victims Memorial in Shakville, Pennsylvania. (Photo: AFP / Mandel Ngan).

The painful testimony of the mother of a victim of the 9/11 attacks

Posted on 11/09/2021 at 11:41

In dialogue with TN, Ilia Rodríguez proudly recalled the bravery of her son, Carlos Rey Lillo, a Puerto Rican paramedic who died in the South Tower collapse.

With tears in his eyes, he recounted how his son “brought out the wounded” after the terrorist attack. “It was the last time they saw him,” he said, pointing to a photo on the poster he had prepared for the occasion. “Of the he entered and did not come out. That’s when the first tower fell. There he stayed. His body did not seem complete. They only found two pieces, nothing more ”.

“Two weeks before the tragedy, I told him I had a dangerous job, and he replied ‘the day I died I I wanna die doing something that I love, Save lives’. Two weeks later, that’s what he did, ”he said when he broke up.

“We saw the pictures of him working that day in magazines. Our hair stood on end, we cried with emotion, “added a sister of Rey Lillo.” My mother doesn’t have this pain, “he added.

Ilia Rodríguez has promised that “as long as she has life left and can fly”, she will be present at the Memorial. “This is the cemetery where my son is, here his body was left. It’s a cemetery, so you have to come and honor it. I never miss this day. I have been here for 20 years. The only time I didn’t come was last year because they didn’t do it (the tribute) because of the pandemic, ”he concluded.

Joe Biden, at the Ground Zero Tribute

Posted on 11/09/2021 at 11:16

At Ground Zero, Joe Biden and his wife Jill arrived with Former Presidents and First Ladies Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama, and at 8:46 a.m. they observed a minute of silence. It was around this time that Flight AA11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center 20 years ago.

Later, family and friends, many of them in tears, began to read and remember each of the victims of the attacks.

Joe and Jill Biden at the ceremony honoring the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks (Photo: Reuters / Chip Somodevilla).For: REUTERS

In a video released Friday, Biden called on Americans to unity. “For me, this is the main lesson of September 11. At the time of greatest vulnerability, (…) unity is our greatest strength», Declared the president in his message.

Two people embrace each other during the tribute to the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks (Photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst).For: REUTERS

In the midst of the excitement Bruce springsteen he sang accompanied by his guitar “I will see you in my dreams” (I will see you in my dreams).

The musician with his guitar at Ground Zero. (Photo: AFP / Chip Somodevilla).

What happened on September 11, 2001, the day the world changed

That morning, 19 terrorists, mostly Saudi, members of the Al-Qaeda organization, they hijacked four commercial planes and they crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon outside Washington, while a fourth, allegedly directed against Congress, fell in a field in Pennsylvania.

It was 8.46 a.m. when the American Airlines Flight 11 (traveling from Boston to Los Angeles) reached the north tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:03 am, the United Airlines Flight 175 (trip from Boston to Los Angeles) do the same with the south tower. I had no doubt it was an attack.

as the plane struck the south tower of the World Trade Center. (Photo: AFP / Seth McAllister).

But the horror was far from over. At 9:37 a.m., American Airlines Flight 77 (from Dulles, Va. To Los Angeles) crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. About 22 minutes later, at 9:59 a.m., the WTC South Tower collapsed in about 10 seconds.

At 10:03 a.m., another plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It was about United Airlines Flight 93 (traveling from Newark, NJ, to San Francisco). The intervention of several passengers made it possible to avoid a greater drama.

A man looks at the ruins after the World Trade Center collapsed. (Photo: AFP / Doug Kanter).

At 10:28 am, the WTC north tower. Between the first attack and the collapse of the two Torres del World Trade Center only 102 minutes have passed.

The attack represented the worst terrorist attack history, which, according to data from the commission that investigated the events, left a total of 2,977 deaths of 90 nationalities.

Tribute to the attacks of the Twin Towers

In addition to the event in New York, during which moments of silence will be observed six times – one for each crashed plane and when the towers fell – events are also planned in the two other places where the 9/11 conspirators crashed their hijacked planes: the Pentagon and a field near Shanksville. Biden is to pay tribute at all three locations, with former President George W. Bush speaking at the ceremony in Pennsylvania, which will feature current Vice President Kamala Harris.

A firefighter during the tributes to the victims of the attacks of September 11, 2001. (Photo: REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton).For: REUTERS

The tribute of Queen Elizabeth II of England

The Queen of England, Isabella II, paid tribute this Saturday to the victims and survivors of the jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001, in a message addressed to the American president.

“I have in my thoughts and in my prayers – and those of my family and the country as a whole – the victims, survivors and affected families, as well as first responders and relief personnel,” said Elizabeth II. The Queen visited “Ground Zero” in 2010 and met the relatives of the victims, before unveiling a monument to the British victims. This visit was “engraved in his memory,” he said on Saturday.

Hundreds of unidentified deaths

Two new victims were identified this week thanks to DNA tests, bringing the number of victims whose identity has been established to 1,647, the office of the chief medical examiner for New York City reported. They have been identified are Dorothy Morgan and a man whose identity is being kept anonymous at the express request of the family.

A firefighter at Ground Zero. (Photo: AFP / Anthony Correia).

“20 years ago we promised the families of the World Trade Center victims that we would do everything possible for as long as necessary to identify their loved ones and with these two new identifications we continue to fulfill the sacred pledge,” said Barbara. A. Sampson, the city’s chief medical examiner.

“No matter how long since September 11, 2011, we will never forget and we are committed to using all the tools at our disposal to ensure that all those who have been lost can be reunited with their families,” he said. he adds. About 1,106 victims, 40% of those killed in the worst attacks in the country’s history, remain unidentified.

Developing news that are updated.


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