Living the UN Security Council in the face of the crisis in Venezuela


The UN Security Council is badyzing for the first time this Saturday the state of constitutional and social crisis in Venezuela since the proclamation of the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, to the presidency of this country. . It was the United States that requested the meeting.

Positions in front of Guaidó's recognition as "president in charge" are divided in the Security Council. For their part, the United States, a permanent member, supports the anti-Chavez leader, while Russia and China defend President Nicolás Maduro, who also has permanent membership status and a power of veto.

The State Department announced that "the intention of the United States is to use this appointment to urge the rest of the international community to recognize Guaidó as" Acting Constitutional President of Venezuela " .

Mike Pompeo, Trump's chief adviser, "will call for support to the transitional government in its mission of restoring democracy and the rule of law," diplomatic sources said.


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