Local study reveals efficacy of Sputnik and AstraZeneca vaccines


In this context, no significant difference was detected between the vaccines.

Among the vaccinated with Sputnik V, 100 percent of those who received the first dose generated antibodies. Of those who were inoculated with AstraZeneca, 94 percent achieved humoral immunity with the first dose and 100 percent with the second dose..

Interdisciplinary work has been coordinated by the Order of Pharmacists, chaired by Leonardo Jurado. The coordination of the measurement of the humoral response was under the responsibility of Dr Ana Laura Cavatorta, researcher at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR) and member of the virology field of the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, who , together with professionals Julián Acosta and Miguel Taborda, were able to combine the work of a large group of professionals from different areas of the said faculty (health pharmacy, virology, immunohematology, analytical chemistry), the Public Health Technology Center ( CTSP) directed by Eduardo Codino, the Central Laboratory based at the Provincial Hospital of the Centenary and the Extension Secretariat of the said house of studies.

The first thing that Cavatorta pointed out, in a dialogue with this newspaper, is that “We are generating local evidence” which once again confirms that “Covid vaccines are effective” And to add: “Receiving them is an act that protects everyone, but also an act of solidarity that benefits the whole community.”

Step by step

The study was called: “Covid 19 vaccination campaign. Effect of the use of Covid 19 vaccines among professionals of the Order of Pharmacists.” Among the objectives of the evaluation, the adverse effects and the immune response in this population were analyzed.

“We did the detection of antibodies (humoral immunity) among those who were vaccinated with Sputnik V and AstraZeneca (Covishield), two vaccines with the same technology in that they use adenoviruses, although in the case of Sputnik V is adenovirus of human origin and in the other chimpanzee adenovirus, ”commented the scientist.

Sputnik V uses one component for the first dose and another for the second dose and AstraZeneca the same. Blood samples were taken from 389 people They also filled out a form in which they answered various questions related to their epidemiological situation and post-vaccination effects. The results of the side effects are being processed by another team that participated in the global study.

To treat

With a national development kit called Covidar, which was made by scientists at Conicet, to measure neutralizing antibodies (IgG) to the Spike protein, “we were able to carry out a qualitative test and also a quantification which was informed thanks to an index to find out what levels of antibodies, from 1 to 10, had been produced in each person ”, remarked Cavatorta.

Samples were taken 21 days after the first dose and 14 days after the second. With the second dose, 100 percent developed antibodies after vaccination, “which we consider to be very important information because it shows us that vaccines generate robust immunity.”.

Although the humoral immune response was “elevated with just one dose, with both doses it is much higher,” the researcher said.

The work also assessed what happened to individuals who, in addition to having received the vaccine, had already had the Covid and in whom they had not been infected. Immunity was “very good” even with a single dose in people not exposed to the virus “since we saw that 93% of this group generated antibodies with a positivity rate of 5, that is to say average “Cavatorta said, adding: “After receiving the second dose, this response increased and 100 percent of those who had not been infected had antibodies and at level 8 “regardless of the vaccine received.

It is therefore “needed to encourage vaccination with full schedule because with the second puncture, the system is stimulated a second time and this has good effects, ”he said. Among those who had previously been diagnosed with Covid, 100% developed antibodies with a single dose and with a level of 9. “This is called a hybrid response, the natural immunity of the infection. ‘adds to that of the vaccine’.

Antibody rate obtained in individuals who have already been diagnosed with Covid and who have received a single dose of the vaccine (average level 9) “They were even higher than those observed in individuals without a confirmed previous diagnosis and who had fulfilled the full schedule of the two doses received”.

These results “are consistent with previous studies conducted by this research group and also by other researchers from other provinces of our country ”, commented the researcher.

Close goals

Scientist Cavatorta pointed out that in this study “the generation of antibodies against the virus was measured, not the degree of neutralization of these antibodies against the new variants of Sars Cov 2, a project in which we will be moving very soon “. The goal of being able to assess the long-term immune response at the level of cellular immunity is also on the horizon. For these projects “we are working to obtain the necessary financial support that will allow us to carry out these studies in Santa Fe”.

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